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Daily Press
Todays crime related press reports collected by Prof. Thomas Görgen, German Police University

The Conversation, 01.08.2024

Rape myths can affect jurors’ perceptions of sexual assault, and that needs to change

Joanna Pozzulo Chancellor's Professor, Psychology, Carleton University

The Conversation, 01.08.2024

Southport riots: why social media’s role in unrest is overblown

Paul Reilly Senior Lecturer in Communications, Media and Democracy, University of Glasgow

The Guardian, 01.08.2024

‘I’m happy for everyone released, but there is also sadness’: film-maker Odessa Rae on today’s momentous prisoner swap

Danny Leigh

CBC, 01.08.2024

Neighbourhood watch 2.0: Guelph police ask businesses, residents to register security cameras

Joe Pavia · CBC News

The Conversation, 01.08.2024

Inside the dark world of dognapping

Brenda Vose Associate Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice, University of North Florida

WBUR On Point, 01.08.2024

JD Vance and the rise of the 'New Right'

Claire Donnelly, Willis Ryder Arnold, Meghna Chakrabarti

Wall Street Journal, 01.08.2024

Inside the Secret Negotiations to Free Evan Gershkovich

Joe Parkinson, Drew Hinshaw, Bojan Pancevski and Aruna Viswanatha

EurekAlert!, 01.08.2024

Communities can increase the prosocial tendencies of their authorities, study finds

EurekAlert!, 01.08.2024

Gun permits may be more effective than background checks alone at reducing firearm homicides

EurekAlert!, 02.08.2024

Potential terrorists can be identified from social media posts – new research

EurekAlert!, 02.08.2024

How America’s elites may hold the key to lowering murder rates

The Conversation, 02.08.2024

Southport attacks: what we know about knife crime in the UK and how to solve it

Sue Roberts Senior Lecturer Public Management, and Course Leader Masters in Public Administration, University of Portsmouth

The Conversation, 02.08.2024

Olympic arson attacks highlight growing danger of low-tech terrorism on public transit systems

Sara Harmouch Ph.D. candidate in Public Affairs, American University

Project Syndicate, 02.08.2024

Confronting the Organized Crime Pandemic

Robert Muggah

The Guardian, 02.08.2024

Starmer’s live facial recognition plan would usher in national ID, campaigners say

Dan Sabbagh

The New Yorker, 03.08.2024

Notes from Underground

The Conversation, 04.08.2024

Riots in the UK: online propagandists know how to work their audiences – this is what we are missing

Richard Fern Lecturer, media, Swansea University

The Conversation, 05.08.2024

Men’s behaviour change programs are key to addressing domestic violence. Our new study shows how we can improve them

Kate Fitz-Gibbon Professor (Practice), Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University, Monash University / Jasmine McGowan Lecturer in Criminology, Monash University

The Guardian, 05.08.2024

The Guardian view on the riots: culpability in high places


Decade since Ferguson unrest has brought changes to criminal justice system and those who study it

Steve Walentik

The Conversation, 05.08.2024

What life is like for the asylum seekers in hotels being attacked by far right groups

Jenny Phillimore Director of the Institute for Research into Superdiversity (IRiS), University of Birmingham / Olivia Petie PhD candidate, University of Birmingham

The Guardian, 05.08.2024

Palestinian prisoners describe systemic abuse in Israel’s jails

Bethan McKernan in Ramallah, Emma Graham-Harrison in Jerusalem, Quique Kierszenbaum and Sufian Taha in Bethlehem

The Guardian, 05.08.2024

Narco folly: inside the crumbling Honduran zoo built by a drug cartel

The Guardian, 05.08.2024

Why are people rioting across England and how many are involved?

Emine Sinmaz

Persuasion, 05.08.2024

Why Britain is Rioting

Luke Hallam

New Lines Magazine, 05.08.2024

Extrajudicial Killings May Be Frequent in India’s Most Populous State

Saurav Das

The Conversation, 06.08.2024

Assassination is always unlawful − regardless of who is killed and on whose orders

Mary Ellen O'Connell Professor of Law and International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame

The Conversation, 06.08.2024

Middle-aged radicalisation: why are so many of Britain’s rioters in their 40s and 50s?

Sara H Wilford Associate Professor, School of Computer Science and Informatics, De Montfort University

Verfassungsblog, 06.08.2024

Making the Unacceptable Acceptable

Vicente Valentim

The Conversation, 06.08.2024

Teenage girls in Africa face shocking rates of physical and sexual abuse in intimate relationships – new global report

Anthony Idowu Ajayi Research Scientist, African Population and Health Research Center

The Globe Post, 06.08.2024

How Technology Helps to Criminalize Migrants

Stephen J. Lyons

The Conversation, 06.08.2024

Asylum seekers aren’t ‘taking your jobs’ – but it would be better for all of us if they could work

Katrin Marchand

Verfassungsblog, 06.08.2024

The Right to Defend Rights

Sindy Castro Herrera, Maryluz Barragán

London Review of Books, 06.08.2024

This time it’s worse

Daniel Trilling

The Conversation, 07.08.2024

The hypermasculine far right: how white nationalists tell themselves they are ‘protecting’ women and children when they riot

Elizabeth Pearson

Police1, 07.08.2024

What law enforcement can learn from a new study examining contagious fire in policing

The Guardian, 07.08.2024

Politicians: there’s an easy remedy to the violence we’re seeing across the UK. Start telling the truth

Diane Taylor

The Conversation, 07.08.2024

Refusing to call out Islamophobia has emboldened the far right – and the current violence is the result

Chris Allen

The Conversation, 07.08.2024

For Black Americans, higher police pay doesn’t always mean fewer violent confrontations as it does for other racial groups

Thaddeus L. Johnson, Natasha N. Johnson

The Conversation, 07.08.2024

White men who have been mistreated at work are more likely to notice and report harassment − new research

Erin A. Cech Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Michigan

CNN 5 minute read, 08.08.2024

Alleged Taylor Swift terror plot fits a worrying trend as ISIS targets teens online

Nick Paton Walsh

PsyPost, 08.08.2024

Survivors of childhood maltreatment at heightened risk of dating violence as teens

Vladimir Hedrih

Northeastern Global News, 08.08.2024

How these Northeastern researchers are rewriting the immigration-crime narrative

Ian Thomsen

EurekAlert!, 08.08.2024

Not just an urban problem: new study reports higher rate of shootings by police across suburbs and rural areas

EurekAlert!, 08.08.2024

Even indirect gun violence exposure linked to decreased quality of life

The Conversation, 08.08.2024

The cancellation of Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour shows is the latest incident in a long history of concert terrorism

Milad Haghani Senior Lecturer of Urban Mobility, Public Safety & Disaster Risk, UNSW Sydney

The Conversation, 08.08.2024

Social media: Disinformation expert offers 3 safety tips in a time of fake news and dodgy influencers

Fabrice Lollia Docteur en sciences de l'information et de la communication, chercheur associé laboratoire DICEN Ile de France, Université Gustave Eiffel

The Guardian, 08.08.2024

No god in the machine: the pitfalls of AI worship

Navneet Alang

The Conversation, 08.08.2024

From Michael Brown to Sonya Massey, a decade of police antiblack violence causes grief, worry and coping for Black parents

Seanna Leath, Sheretta T. Butler-Barnes

The Conversation, 08.08.2024

Islamic State’s genocide was not limited to killing and enslaving Yazidis, Christians and other communities − it also erased their heritage

Alda Benjamen

New York Times, 08.08.2024

Inside the Mountain Stronghold of an Elusive Rebel Movement

Nicholas Casey

The Guardian, 09.08.2024

What lies beneath: the growing threat to the hidden network of cables that power the internet

Jonathan Yerushalmy

PA TIMES Online American Society for Public Administration, 09.08.2024

What Policing Can Learn From the Military in Using AI

Ygnacio Flores, Don Mason & Tracy Rickman

The Conversation, 09.08.2024

The hypocrisy at the heart of racist riots

Nilufar Ahmed

The Conversation, 09.08.2024

Why we might regret calling for far-right rioters to be prosecuted as terrorists

Alan Greene

The Conversation, 09.08.2024

How the altruistic response to far right riots reveals the innate goodness in human beings

Steve Taylor

Spectrum News, 10.08.2024

Uvalde lawsuit reignites conversation around violent video games and real-world violence

Agustin Garfias Austin

The Guardian, 11.08.2024

‘Two-tier’: UK treats far-right attacks less harshly than Islamist violence, says thinktank

Rajeev Syal

The Guardian, 11.08.2024

Was the shooting of a nine-year-old girl in Hackney linked to a Europe-wide battle between rival drug gangs?

Mark Townsend, Antonio Baquero, Iurie Sanduta and Kelly Bloss

The Press, 11.08.2024

Unravelling the falsehoods of the far-right and its race riots

Donna Miles

The Guardian / The Observer, 11.08.2024

The roots of the UK’s unrest lie in the warping of genuine working-class grievances

Kenan Malik

The Guardian / The Observer, 11.08.2024

‘It’s OK, everyone else is doing it’: how do we deal with role violence on social media played in UK riots?

Tim Adams

Vox, 12.08.2024

How the seasons screw with your moral compass

Sigal Samuel

Tech Xplore, 12.08.2024

Report: Growing demand on dark web for AI abuse images

Anglia Ruskin University

The Conversation, 12.08.2024

Amazon countries are stepping-up measures to counter illicit financing of nature crime

Robert Muggah, Melina Risso

New Lines Magazine, 12.08.2024

The Global Rise of Narco-Pentecostalism

Elle Hardy

Safety+Health Magazine, 13.08.2024

Study looks at police officers, head injuries and mental health issues

Liverpool John Moores University Corporate Communications, 13.08.2024

New journal to share evidence for better policing

The Conversation, 13.08.2024

LGBTQ people have a troubled relationship with police − new survey shows high rates of harassment, abuse and distrust

Stefan Vogler

EurekAlert!, 13.08.2024

Childhood maltreatment is associated with greater cognitive difficulties than previously thought

King's College London, 14.08.2024

Patterns of identity attacks in extremist language uncover their violent intentions

Charles Darwin University

New York Times, 14.08.2024

New York’s Promising Experiment in Making the Subways Safer

Nicole Gelinas

The Conversation, 14.08.2024

Why we don’t need more policing – even after the riots

Andrea Brock, Amber Huff, Patrick Huff

Medical Xpress, 14.08.2024

Policing may play a role in youth mental health crises

Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health

The Conversation, 14.08.2024

A world-first law in Europe is targeting artificial intelligence. Other countries can learn from it

Rita Matulionyte

Euronews, 14.08.2024

Police in Denmark to implement facial recognition technology to combat violent crimes

Jerry Fisayo-Bambi, 14.08.2024

Iran's Lebanon-Based Militia: Hezbollah Prepares for Possible War

Christoph Reuter

The Guardian, 15.08.2024

The UK’s racist mobs horrified us all – but we can’t just imprison our way out of this mess

Ciaran Thapar, 15.08.2024

Study rejects link between bail reform, increases in crime

Miranda Nazzaro

The Conversation, 15.08.2024

Three steps to talking to a loved one at risk of being radicalised into rioting

Anthony English

The Guardian, 15.08.2024

Ukrainian team blew up Nord Stream pipeline, claims report

Shaun Walker

Foreign Policy, 15.08.2024

The Geopolitical Opportunity of Ukraine’s Kursk Offensive

A. Wess Mitchell

The Conversation, 15.08.2024

In praise of the weird

Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock

The Conversation, 15.08.2024

Real-time crime centers are transforming policing – a criminologist explains how these advanced surveillance systems work

Kimberly Przeszlowski

Tech Policy Press, 15.08.2024

Researchers Validate the Dangers of Disinformation

Prithvi Iyer

New Lines Magazine, 15.08.2024

Sudan’s Humanitarian Crisis Is Only Getting Worse

Julian Busch & Vincent Haiges, 16.08.2024

Study investigates how policing impacts the homeless

University of Technology, Sydney

Trends Research, 16.08.2024

A TRENDS study warns that terrorist attacks on undersea cables could lead to economic chaos and global military tensions

The Conversation, 16.08.2024

Gen Z has a trust problem with British institutions – especially the police

Paolo Morini

Project Syndicate, 16.08.2024

The Real AI Risks

Daron Acemoglu, Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Charles Ferguson, Martin Beraja, David Y. Yang, Noam Yuchtman

Washington Post, 16.08.2024

The big issue roiling a small town: Does everyone deserve a second chance?

Lateshia Beachum, Salvador Rizzo and Paul Duggan

Verfassungsblog, 16.08.2024

The Sleeping Beauty Has Awoken

Celia Schmadl

New York Times, 17.08.2024

Kamala Harris and the Return of ‘Tough on Crime’

Shaila Dewan

The Guardian, 18.08.2024

Extreme misogyny to be treated as terrorism under UK government plans

Nadeem Badshah, 19.08.2024

The future of CCTV and policing

Professor Fraser Sampson

Jerusalem Post, 19.08.2024

Why Hamas's suicide bombing threats don’t lead to quaking knees - analysis


The Conversation, 19.08.2024

NZ’s white-collar crime gap: just 1% of serious fraud complaints result in prosecution

Lisa Marriott

The Guardian, 19.08.2024

From ‘open hearts’ to closed borders: behind Sweden’s negative net immigration figures

Miranda Bryant

The Conversation, 19.08.2024

How Russian gender-based disinformation could influence the 2024 U.S. presidential election

Owen Wong

Washington Post, 19.08.2024

Abused by the Badge

Jessica Contrera and Jenn Abelson

The New Yorker, 19.08.2024

The Cult in the Forest

Alexis Okeowo

Sydney Morning Herald, 20.08.2024

The terrifying moment Grace was dragged into her house by a man she’d fled

Clare Sibthorpe

The Conversation, 20.08.2024

We need far stronger support systems in the fight against gender-based violence

Lisa Boucher

Medical Xpress, 20.08.2024

Review of research on adverse childhood experiences identifies significant differences in size of effects

Crime and Justice Research Alliance

EurekAlert!, 20.08.2024

Computer scientists discover vulnerabilities in a popular security protocol

University of California - San Diego, 20.08.2024

Experts study immigration in relation to jobs, crime and disease

Alex Russell, UC Davis

Washington Post, 20.08.2024

Sam Bankman-Fried, a personal verdict

Michael Lewis

New York Times, 20.08.2024

The Bitter Fight Over the Meaning of ‘Genocide’

Linda Kinstler

New Statesman, 20.08.2024

The rise and fall of Britain’s infamous preacher of hate

Shiraz Maher

The Insider (Russia), 20.08.2024

“They tied me to a tree and said: ‘We’re gonna put you down now.’ There were 30 bodies in a ditch nearby”: Confessions of a Russian deserter

Mirage.News Science, 21.08.2024

Research: Temporarily Removing Firearms Saves Lives

Duke University Medical Center

The Guardian, 21.08.2024

Stop and search study in England and Wales ‘casts doubt’ on effectiveness

Vikram Dodd

University of Portsmouth, 21.08.2024

Study suggests quarter of UK adults commit at least one economic crime a year

The Guardian, 21.08.2024

How west Africa’s online fraudsters moved into sextortion

Eromo Egbejule

The Conversation, 21.08.2024

Young Black people are disproportionately likely to be strip-searched – one of many ways the justice system treats them as a threat

Shantey Francis

The Conversation, 21.08.2024

Why we need to approach masculism as a terrorist threat - Q&A with Stephanie Lamy

Stephanie Lamy

The Guardian, 21.08.2024

‘It looks so real’: amid rise in financial sextortion, Childline is helping teenagers fight back

Dan Milmo

NZ Herald, 21.08.2024

Sir Kim Workman’s major police investigation released: What the seven reports reveal

Julia Gabel

The Conversation, 21.08.2024

AI ‘nudify’ sites are being sued for victimising people. How can we battle deepfake abuse?

Nicola Henry

The Conversation, 21.08.2024

Increasing numbers of sexual offences on public transport recorded – but many experiences are still normalised and go unreported

Jennifer Grant

New York Times, 21.08.2024

They Spouted Hate Online. Then They Were Arrested.

Mark Landler

EurekAlert!, 21.08.2024

Homicide rates are a major factor in the gap between Black and White life expectancy

PLOS, 21.08.2024

Study finds nearly 90% of NYC transit workers have been harassed or assaulted

New York University

The Conversation, 21.08.2024

Why are teenage girls attracted to boys who hurt them? We talked to high school students to find out

Silvia Molina Roldán / Garazi Lopez de Aguileta / Itxaso Tellado / Leire Ugalde Lujambio / Lidia Puigvert Mallart / Miguel Ángel Pulido / Ramón Flecha García / Sandra Racionero-Plaza

The Conversation, 22.08.2024

The truth about Tasers: what the statistics and research tell us

Sophie Chambers

The Conversation, 22.08.2024

Treating Nord Stream blasts as a whodunit misses the point – and plays into Russia’s plan to distract and divide

Keith Brown

The Conversation, 22.08.2024

Gift card scams generate billions for fraudsters and industry as regulators fail to protect consumers − and how one 83-year-old fell into the ‘f

Dr. David P. Weber, Jake Bernstein

The Guardian, 22.08.2024

If you are outraged by Trump’s use of AI and deepfakes, don’t be – that’s exactly what he wants

Sophia Smith Galer

The Conversation, 22.08.2024

Want to fight gender inequality? A review of data from 118 counties shows that development aid works

Bedassa Tadesse, 22.08.2024

How Fascism Begins

Lothar Gorris und Tobias Rapp

The Conversation, 25.08.2024

AI used by police cannot tell Black people apart and other reasons Canada’s AI laws need urgent attention

Kevin Walby, Gustavo da Costa Markowicz, Oluwasola Mary Adedayo, 25.08.2024

The truth about Tasers: What UK statistics and research tell us

Sophie Chambers

The Guardian, 25.08.2024

FBI informant’s book predicts far-right violence: ‘we should be afraid’

Edward Helmore

New York Times, 25.08.2024

When A.I.’s Output Is a Threat to A.I. Itself

Aatish Bhatia

The Conversation, 26.08.2024

The internet makes it too easy to ‘fall down a rabbit hole of hate’. So, what works to curb online extremism?

Vivian Gerrand

Associated Press, 26.08.2024

Police officers are starting to use AI chatbots to write crime reports. Will they hold up in court?


PsyPost, 26.08.2024

People adopt anti-establishment attitudes when they feel threatened, study suggests

Vladimir Hedrih

Newswise, 26.08.2024

Research from UTHealth Houston finds parents who recently experienced intimate partner violence had higher potential for parenting stress and child ma

University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Sydney Morning Herald, 26.08.2024

The ‘free heroin’ behind thousands of violent crimes in NSW

Perry Duffin

The Conversation, 26.08.2024

French police have arrested the founder of Telegram. What happens next could change the course of big tech

Timothy Koskie

The Conversation, 26.08.2024

In domestic violence cases, police are more likely to make arrests when pets are abused, too

Lynn Addington

The Guardian, 26.08.2024

Police pooches: US schools employ gun-sniffing dogs to curb violence – and bring students joy

Anna Betts

The Conversation, 27.08.2024

Should misogyny be treated as a form of extremism?

Stephanie Wescott

PsyPost, 27.08.2024

Study finds little evidence linking violent video games to increased aggression in adolescents

Vladimir Hedrih

The Intercept, 27.08.2024

Homeland Security Still Dreams of Face Recognition at the Border

Sam Biddle

EurekAlert!, 28.08.2024

Red flag laws may reduce the growing burden of firearm homicides

Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health

The Marshall Project, 28.08.2024

5 Things to Know About How Survivors Get Incarcerated for Their Abusers’ Crimes

Shannon Heffernan

Filter, 28.08.2024

Police Shootings in Rural Areas Are Common, But Much Less Visible

Alexander Lekhtman

EurekAlert!, 28.08.2024

Geographic differences in US homicide rates have decreased since the 1970s


The Guardian, 28.08.2024

‘It’s either the streets or the fields’: one California farm town’s daily battle with gun violence

Maanvi Singh

The Conversation, 29.08.2024

Can a 10-year-old be responsible for a crime? Here’s what brain science tells us

Susan M. Sawyer, Nandi Vijayakumar

Washington Post, 29.08.2024

‘My first thought was that I was going to be led out to be executed’

Vladimir Kara-Murza

The Guardian, 29.08.2024

Femicide: A summer defined by men killing women and girls. This can’t go on

Frances Ryan, 29.08.2024

Study links gentrification to reduced crime, but downsides of gentrification can't be ignored

Bert Gambini Threat Analysis Group (TAG), 29.08.2024

State-backed attackers and commercial surveillance vendors repeatedly use the same exploits

Clement Lecigne

The Conversation, 29.08.2024

Romance fraud doesn’t only happen online – it can turn into real-world deception

Education and Social Justice, Queensland University of Technology

The Conversation, 29.08.2024

Today’s school children practice running for their lives – but there are better ways to keep students safe from shooters

Luke J. Rapa

The Guardian, 29.08.2024

The trial of Björn Höcke, the ‘real boss’ of Germany’s far right

Alex Dziadosz

Newswise, 30.08.2024

Study suggests gun-free zones do not attract mass shootings

UC Davis Health

The Oakland Press, 30.08.2024

Colorado police ended AI review of body cameras. Unprofessionalism plummeted when it was in use, new research shows.

Shelly Bradbury

PsyPost, 30.08.2024

Belief that U.S. ‘needs’ a civil war is uncommon — but stronger among MAGA Republicans

Eric W. Dolan

BBC, 30.08.2024

Telegram: 'The dark web in your pocket'

Joe Tidy