University of Manchester, 01.05.2013Research reveals why police stop-and-search young people
Who young people hang out with, and what they have done in the past, is consistently more important than their recent offending in explaining why the police stop-and-search them.
BBC News, 01.05.2013Young offenders need more education, says think tank
Katherine Sellgren BBC News education reporter
The Center for Public Integrity, 01.05.2013Report details lives ruined for children put on sex-offender registries
Nudity, streaking, petting, not just rape, have led to youths put on sex-offender registries
Susan Ferrissemail
Psychiatric Services, 01.05.2013PTSD as a Mediator Between Lifetime Sexual Abuse and Substance Use Among Jail Diversion Participants
aren J. Cusack, Ph.D.; Amy H. Herring, Sc.D.; Henry J. Steadman, Ph.D.
Pacific Standard, 03.05.2013California’s Gun Medicine
Why we should be treating gun violence as a disease—and why most states can’t.
Vince Beiser
Prevention Action, 03.05.2013More than just stimulating minds
Evidence-based programs that attempt to reduce achievement gaps between disadvantaged children and their better-off counterparts in the early years are effective, but their impact is, at best, modest. The director of Harvard’s Center on the Developing Child argues that new interventions should shift their focus – from just stimulating the minds of these children to also protecting their brains.
Prevention Action, 03.05.2013More than just stimulating minds
Evidence-based programs that attempt to reduce achievement gaps between disadvantaged children and their better-off counterparts in the early years are effective, but their impact is, at best, modest. The director of Harvard’s Center on the Developing Child argues that new interventions should shift their focus – from just stimulating the minds of these children to also protecting their brains.
EurekAlert!, 05.05.2013Study adds to evidence that cigarettes are gateway to marijuana
Researchers also find that college students who use both tobacco and cannabis smoke more cigarettes per month than users of tobacco only
EurekAlert! Public release, 05.05.2013Camaraderie of sports teams may deter bullying, violence
Survey showed female high school athletes were less likely to fight, carry a weapon than non-athletes
The New Yorker, 06.05.2013Bring Up the Bodies
Kosovo’s leaders have been accused of grotesque war crimes. But can anyone prove it?
Nicholas Schmidle
EurekAlert!, 06.05.2013Teen girls who exercise are less likely to be violent
Study shows that high school females who run, play sports are at lower risk of fighting, being in a gang
EurekAlert!, 06.05.2013Nearly 20 percent of suicidal youths have guns in their home
Researchers say emergency department doctors should screen all pediatric patients for suicide risk
EurekAlert!, 06.05.2013Foster care a sound choice for some maltreated children
Mental health improvements seen among school-age children who were placed out of their homes
EurekAlert!, 06.05.2013Foster care a sound choice for some maltreated children
Mental health improvements seen among school-age children who were placed out of their homes
EurekAlert!, 06.05.2013Foster care a sound choice for some maltreated children
Mental health improvements seen among school-age children who were placed out of their homes
Newswise, 07.05.2013Legal Expert Duncan Hollis on China's Cyberattacks - Permissable Spying or Illegal Act of War?
Minnesota Public Radio, 07.05.2013Gun violence: It may not be what you think
You couldn't tell it by the vigor of the public debate but the rate of homicides with guns in the United States has dropped rather dramatically from the '90s, an analysis of government data shows today.
The Guardian, 08.05.2013Drugs 2.0: The Web Revolution That's Changing How the World Gets High by Mike Power – review
Steven Poole on a fascinating and funny study of the new drug scene
EurekAlert!, 08.05.2013Research supports laws that require bicyclists to wear helmets
Data show fewer deaths among youths after a bicycle-motor vehicle crash in states with mandatory helmet laws
Die Welt, 08.05.2013Stahl, Heer, Sturm
Die Namen von Beate Zschäpes Anwälten lesen sich, als wären sie ausgesucht, um zu provozieren. Diese Art Hohn ist ein Mittel rechter Symbolik.
Georg M. Oswald
Jungle World Nr. 19, 09.05.2013Terror als Spektakel
Der NSU-Prozess in München kommt als großes Spektakel daher. Diese Boulevardisierung erfüllt eine Funktion.
Markus Ströhlein, 09.05.2013West Yorkshire police to publish findings of Jimmy Savile report
Force opened investigation in January into all its contact with late DJ, revealed to be a predatory paedophile after his death
FAZ.NET, 09.05.2013Japanische Mafia Ich bin Ausländer und habe ein paar Fragen
Einer der besten Kenner der Yakuza, der japanischen Mafia, ist ein Amerikaner: Jake Adelstein. Weil es Morddrohungen gegen den Reporter gibt, steht er in Tokio unter Polizeischutz. Trotzdem will er bleiben.
Carsten Germis, Tokio
DIE WELT online, 09.05.2013Warum bei jugendlichen Tätern oft nur Knast wirkt
Warum hören wir auf "einfühlsame Psychologen", die Strafen für Intensivtäter zum Teufelszeug erklären? Gegen Jugendliche, die schon in der Schule durch Gewalt auffallen, helfen nur echte Sanktionen.
Rainer Werner
Jungle World Nr. 19, 09.05.2013Familienbetrieb
Die Affäre um die Beschäftigung von Familienangehörigen im bayerischen Landtag kommt der CSU denkbar ungelegen.
Pascal Beucker
University of Toronto, 09.05.2013Parental addictions linked to adult children’s depression
Depression in adulthood is linked to parental addictions during childhood, according to a new study by University of Toronto researchers.
Südwest Presse, 10.05.2013Spur ins Spielhallen-Milieu
Neuer Ermittlungsansatz drei Jahre nach der Entführung und Ermordung der Heidenheimerin Maria Bögerl: Die Polizei sucht mehrere Täter, die Spielhallen im bayerisch-württembergischen Grenzraum besuchen.
, 12.05.2013Salafisten in Deutschland – Mit modernen Methoden zurück ins Mittelalter
DIE WELT ONLINE, 12.05.2013Das unfassbare deutsche Infrastruktur-Desaster
Die Infrastruktur galt als Rückgrat der Volkswirtschaft und Garant für den Wohlstand. Doch Straßen, Schienen- und Wasserwege, Energie- und Telefonnetze verkommen. Experten sehen eine "Zeitbombe".
N. Doll, S. Fründt, E. A. Ginten, T. Heuzeroth, B. Nicolai, A. Tauber und D. Wetzel
Welt am Sonntag, 12.05.2013Wut ist gut!
Die moderne Pädagogik versucht, unseren Kindern die Aggressionen auszutreiben. Damit richtet sie schwere Schäden an.
Jesper Juul
Märkische Allgemeine, 13.05.2013Im Kreis der Gewalt
In Berlin beginnt der Prozess gegen die mutmaßlichen Täter, die Jonny K. am Alexanderplatz zu Tode geprügelt haben sollen
Der Landbote - Winterthur Stadt, 13.05.2013Immer misstrauisch bleiben
Senioren werden weniger häufig Opfer von Verbrechen als junge Menschen. Bis auf eine Ausnahme: den Enkeltrickbetrug. In diesem Fall kann ein gesundes Misstrauen vor Verbrechern schützen.
Cop2Cop, 13.05.2013BDK im Gespräch mit dem Justizminister Kutschaty
BDK Vorstandsmitglieder diskutierten in einem gut zweistündigen Gespräch mit dem Justizminister Herrn Kutschaty aktuelle, sowohl die Kriminalpolizei als auch die Justiz berührende Themen.
Die Welt, 13.05.2013Legt das Kopftuch ab!
Seit Jahren beschäftigt sich die Islamkonferenz mit den Fragen der Religion. Wie ihre Funktionäre Frauen und Mädchen besserstellen könnten, ist ihnen gleichgültig.
Necla Kelek, 13.05.2013"Im Nachhinein ist jeder schlauer"
ZEITGESCHICHTE Wie antisemitisch war die radikale Linke in den 1970er Jahren? Sehr, sagt der Hamburger Historiker Wolfgang Kraushaar. Bis auf wenige Ausnahmen kaum, hält Bommi Baumann, früherer Haschrebell und Stadtguerillero, dagegen
Deutschlandradio Kultur, 13.05.2013Jugendgewalt - die Hemmschwelle sinkt
Ethik-Professor: Gesellschaft bietet Jugendlichen keinen Sinn mehr
Markus Tiedemann im Gespräch mit Elke Durak
FAZ.NET, 13.05.2013Tödliche Prügelei am Alexanderplatz
Im Oktober 2012 wurde Jonny K. in Berlin zu Tode geprügelt. Sechs junge Männer müssen sich nun vor Gericht verantworten. Zum Beginn des Prozesses beschuldigen sie sich gegenseitig.
Julia Schaaf, Berlin
Märkische Allgemeine, 14.05.2013Polizeifeindliche Haltung nimmt zu
Studie vom Brandenburger Innenministerium: Neonazis gehen immer aggressiver gegen die Polizei vor, 14.05.2013Darum ist Leipzig jetzt die gefährlichste Stadt im Osten
Kriminologie-Professor erklärt den traurigen Trend.
Leipzig – Es ist ein Trend, der traurig macht: War Leipzig bislang immer „nur“ in Sachsen Nummer Eins, ist die Messestadt laut aktueller Kriminalitätsstatistik nun die gefährlichste Stadt im ganzen Osten!, 14.05.2013„Toleranz hat sich verändert“
In der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung werden Jugendliche immer brutaler. Der Kriminologe Gerhard Spiess rückt das Bild im Gespräch mit der taz zurecht.Interview: Jasmin Kalarickal
Deutschlandradio Kultur, 14.05.2013"Man fand es politisch nicht besonders wichtig"
Erziehungswissenschaftler zu Pädophilie-Vorwürfen gegen die Grünen
Micha Brumlik im Gespräch mit Katrin Heise
Die Welt, 15.05.2013Jeder fünfte Hamburger Schüler nimmt Drogen
Suchtforscher warnen: Umfrage zu Cannabis-Konsum deutet auf starken Anstieg hin
Axel Tiedemann und Peter Ulrich Meyer
Salon, 15.05.2013Our approach to pedophilia isn’t working
By focusing only on punishment, experts say we're putting more children at risk
Sophie McAdam
Drug War Chronicle, 16.05.2013The IRS War on Medical Marijuana Providers [FEATURE]
special to Drug War Chronicle by investigative reporter Clarence Walker,, 16.05.2013Sie bleiben die Antworten bis heute schuldig
LINKE Wolfgang Kraushaar stellte am Dienstag in Berlin sein Buch über die antisemitischen Wurzeln des deutschen Terrorismus vor
Jungle World Nr. 20, 16.05.2013Kamerad gegen Kamerad
In Nordrhein-Westfalen hängt der rechtsextreme Haussegen schief. Die Konkurrenz zwischen der NPD und der Partei »Die Rechte« wird mit schmutzigen Mitteln ausgetragen, NPD-Funktionäre sind zur Gegenseite übergelaufen.
Michael Klarmann
Jungle World Nr. 20, 16.05.2013»Die Moschee ist kein Ort der Integration«
Hamed Abdel-Samad hat sowohl an der Islam-Konferenz der Bundesregierung als auch an der Kritischen Islam-Konferenz in Berlin teilgenommen. Der deutsch-ägyptische Politologe kritisiert den Einfluss der Islam-Verbände auf Politik, Justiz und Bildung.
Interview: Carl Melchers
Association for Psychological Science PRESS RELEASE, 16.05.2013High-Testosterone Competitors More Likely to Choose Red
Why do so many sports players and athletes choose to wear the color red when they compete? A new study to be published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, suggests that it may have to do with their testosterone levels.
EurekAlert!, 17.05.2013Youth who have their first drink during puberty have higher levels of later drinking
The earlier the age at which youth take their first alcoholic drink, the greater the risk of later alcohol problems.
MIT News, 17.05.2013Using literature to understand violence against blacks
MIT professor Sandy Alexandre studies the literary record to shed light on the history of lynching in the United States
The Economist, 18.05.2013By the book
The American Psychiatric Association’s latest diagnostic manual remains a flawed attempt to categorise mental illness
The Advertiser, 19.05.2013Alexander Downer: You do the crime, but you shouldn't always have to do the time
Putting people in prison isn't always a good idea for the prisoner or society, writes Alexander Downer.
EurekAlert!, 23.05.2013Study: Empathy plays a key role in moral judgments
Report by researchers at Boston College and Institute of Cognitive Neurology
PolitiFact, 23.05.2013University of Rhode Island professor says black- or brown-skinned people are nine times more likely to be stopped and frisked in New York City
The Globe and Mail Published, 23.05.2013What’s it like being a sociopath? A memoir takes you inside her head
M.E. Thomas is a sociopath – and she wants you to understand what it’s like to be one.
Independent, 23.05.2013Woolwich attack: We have a duty to report these images, but editors face difficult ethical questions
Reporting on this sadistic murder allows us to see - and see through - its perpetrators
Stig Abell
The Observer, 25.05.2013The Anatomy of Violence by Adrian Raine – review
A surprisingly entertaining study of genetic disposition to crime poses challenging moral questions
Salley Vickers
The Observer, 25.05.2013Online porn: the facts and the fantasy
Exposure to explicit sexual violence doesn't mean teenagers will be prone to copying it in the bedroom
Bertie Brandes
The Economist, 25.05.2013Return to old-style terror
A shocking killing is a reminder that disorganised jihadists are harder to stop than organised ones
The Economist, 25.05.2013Guns and sugar
More governments are insisting that weapons-sellers invest in side deals to help them develop their industries. This is a bad idea, 26.05.2013Benefits of Drug Legalization May Outweigh Increase in Number of Drug Users
The chorus of official voices calling for an end to drug prohibition and its replacement with decriminalization or legalization grew by two last week with the release of expert reports by the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Canadian Drug Policy Coalition.
The Independent, 26.05.2013Terror in Woolwich: Internet is the vital frontline in war against extremism
Experts are trying to pre-empt terrorism by bombarding jihadist websites with alternative messages
Paul Cahalan, Jonathan Owen, 27.05.2013Woolwich attack: caution urged over crackdown on extremist websites
Theresa May's comments prompt internet experts to warn that rush to ban websites would be crude and counterproductive
Ben Quinn
EurekAlert!, 27.05.2013Surge in children accidentally eating marijuana-laced foods
Relaxed Colorado drug laws behind trend (blog), 27.05.2013Study: 'Crack Baby' scare of the 1980s overblown
As so-called "crack babies" enter their thirties, new research suggests the 1980s scare was overstated.
KRISTEN BUTLER, (blog), 27.05.2013Study: 'Crack Baby' scare of the 1980s overblown
As so-called "crack babies" enter their thirties, new research suggests the 1980s scare was overstated.
Eurozine, 27.05.2013Deeper than a tweet
The Boston bombing and why you can't become completely American
George Blecher
Newswise Released, 29.05.2013China Cyber Espionage Activity to Increase in Near Future
Andrew Mertha, associate professor of government at Cornell University, discusses why he expects cyber espionage and hacking from China to increase in the near future.
Science Daily (press release)-, 29.05.2013People Can 'Beat' Guilt Detection Tests by Suppressing Incriminating Memories
New research published by an international team of psychologists has shown that people can suppress incriminating memories and thereby avoid detection in brain activity guilt detection tests.
EurekAlert!, 29.05.2013Putting the brakes on distracted driving
UAlberta sociology researcher dials up demographic profile of people who use cellphones behind the wheel
OB Rag, 30.05.2013OB-to-Sacramento Innocence Project March Hits Santa Barbara – Expects to Be in Santa Cruz June 6th
SPIEGEL ONLINE, 30.05.2013How Legalizing Prostitution Has Failed
When Germany legalized prostitution just over a decade ago, politicians hoped that it would create better conditions and more autonomy for sex workers. It hasn't worked out that way, though. Exploitation and human trafficking remain significant problems. By SPIEGEL, 31.05.2013Almost half of people shot dead by Australian police were mentally ill
Report says 44 out of 105 fatal shootings in the past 22 years were of people with mental illness
Ottawa Citizen, 31.05.2013Criminologist ‘pessimistic’ Ottawa police race data project will lead to change
Salon, 31.05.2013Should owner of killer dogs be charged with murder?
A Los Angeles man is charged after his pit bulls kill a woman, in a case which could redefine pet responsibility
Elizabeth Williams
Financial Times, 31.05.2013Welcome to Mogadishu
Despite the threats from Islamist militants, the Somali capital is bursting back to life
Katrina Manson