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Daily Press
Todays crime related press reports collected by Prof. Thomas Görgen, German Police University

University of Manchester, 01.05.2013

Research reveals why police stop-and-search young people

Who young people hang out with, and what they have done in the past, is consistently more important than their recent offending in explaining why the police stop-and-search them.
Emory Health Sciences, 01.05.2013

PTSD research: distinct gene activity patterns from childhood abuse

New York Times, 01.05.2013

Critics of Police Would Make New Yorkers Less Safe, Bloomberg Says


BBC News, 01.05.2013

Young offenders need more education, says think tank

Katherine Sellgren BBC News education reporter

The Center for Public Integrity, 01.05.2013

Report details lives ruined for children put on sex-offender registries

Nudity, streaking, petting, not just rape, have led to youths put on sex-offender registries

Susan Ferrissemail

Psychiatric Services, 01.05.2013

PTSD as a Mediator Between Lifetime Sexual Abuse and Substance Use Among Jail Diversion Participants

aren J. Cusack, Ph.D.; Amy H. Herring, Sc.D.; Henry J. Steadman, Ph.D.

Rice University, 01.05.2013

Cyberthreats must require governments and businesses to be ‘cyberrisk intelligent’

Jeff Falk

New York Times, 02.05.2013

Bloomberg and Police Stops

EurekAlert!, 02.05.2013

Kids with brains that under-react to painful images

New York Times, 02.05.2013

Federal Suit Claims Police Distort Marijuana Searches to Create Misdemeanors


TIME, 03.05.2013

The Evil Brain: What Lurks Inside a Killer’s Mind

Jeffrey Kluger

Pacific Standard, 03.05.2013

California’s Gun Medicine

Why we should be treating gun violence as a disease—and why most states can’t.

Vince Beiser

Newsise Released, 03.05.2013

Violent Video Games Have Lower Effects on Highly-Exposed Teens

Williams & Wilkins

Prevention Action, 03.05.2013

More than just stimulating minds

Evidence-based programs that attempt to reduce achievement gaps between disadvantaged children and their better-off counterparts in the early years are effective, but their impact is, at best, modest. The director of Harvard’s Center on the Developing Child argues that new interventions should shift their focus – from just stimulating the minds of these children to also protecting their brains.
Prevention Action, 03.05.2013

More than just stimulating minds

Evidence-based programs that attempt to reduce achievement gaps between disadvantaged children and their better-off counterparts in the early years are effective, but their impact is, at best, modest. The director of Harvard’s Center on the Developing Child argues that new interventions should shift their focus – from just stimulating the minds of these children to also protecting their brains.
The Economist, 04.05.2013


Open-access scientific publishing is gaining ground
The Economist, 04.05.2013

Enough to make you gag

The prison is a deeply un-American disgrace. It needs to be closed rapidly
Savannah Morning News, 05.05.2013

Taking a stand against bullying


New York Times, 05.05.2013

In Latin America, U.S. Focus Shifts From Drug War to Economy


EurekAlert!, 05.05.2013

Study adds to evidence that cigarettes are gateway to marijuana

Researchers also find that college students who use both tobacco and cannabis smoke more cigarettes per month than users of tobacco only
EurekAlert! Public release, 05.05.2013

Camaraderie of sports teams may deter bullying, violence

Survey showed female high school athletes were less likely to fight, carry a weapon than non-athletes
The New Yorker, 06.05.2013

Bring Up the Bodies

Kosovo’s leaders have been accused of grotesque war crimes. But can anyone prove it?

Nicholas Schmidle

Huffington Post, 06.05.2013

Gun Control Works

John Tepper Marlin

CounterPunc, 06.05.2013

Terrorized by “Terror”

The Political Uses of the Word "Terror"


Pittsburgh Post Gazette, 06.05.2013

Coaches can help instill respect for girls

Jack Kelly

EurekAlert!, 06.05.2013

Teen girls who exercise are less likely to be violent

Study shows that high school females who run, play sports are at lower risk of fighting, being in a gang
EurekAlert!, 06.05.2013

Nearly 20 percent of suicidal youths have guns in their home

Researchers say emergency department doctors should screen all pediatric patients for suicide risk
EurekAlert!, 06.05.2013

Foster care a sound choice for some maltreated children

Mental health improvements seen among school-age children who were placed out of their homes
EurekAlert!, 06.05.2013

Foster care a sound choice for some maltreated children

Mental health improvements seen among school-age children who were placed out of their homes
EurekAlert!, 06.05.2013

Foster care a sound choice for some maltreated children

Mental health improvements seen among school-age children who were placed out of their homes
Deutschlandfunk / Interview, 06.05.2013

Hassemer: Strafrecht kann in NSU-Prozess keine Wiedergutmachung leisten

Ex-Verfassungsrichter warnt vor falschen Erwartungen
Newswise, 07.05.2013

Legal Expert Duncan Hollis on China's Cyberattacks - Permissable Spying or Illegal Act of War?

Deutschlandradio Kultur / Weltzeit, 07.05.2013

Endstation Internierungslager

Griechenland ist mit den Flüchtlingsscharen überfordert

Thomas Bormann

Minnesota Public Radio, 07.05.2013

Gun violence: It may not be what you think

You couldn't tell it by the vigor of the public debate but the rate of homicides with guns in the United States has dropped rather dramatically from the '90s, an analysis of government data shows today.
Los Angeles Times, 07.05.2013

Gun crime has plunged, but Americans think it's up, says study

Emily Alpert

The Guardian, 08.05.2013

Drugs 2.0: The Web Revolution That's Changing How the World Gets High by Mike Power – review

Steven Poole on a fascinating and funny study of the new drug scene
EurekAlert!, 08.05.2013

Research supports laws that require bicyclists to wear helmets

Data show fewer deaths among youths after a bicycle-motor vehicle crash in states with mandatory helmet laws
SPIEGEL ONLINE, 08.05.2013

Sein Mitgefühl hat ihn nie vom Töten abgehalten

Auftragskiller Júlio Santana

Hendrik Ternieden

SPIEGEL ONLINE, 08.05.2013

Kaffeemaschine her, dies ist ein Überfall!

Einbruchserie in Berlin
ISN, 08.05.2013

Public Policy and (Myths About) Terrorism

Die Welt, 08.05.2013

Stahl, Heer, Sturm

Die Namen von Beate Zschäpes Anwälten lesen sich, als wären sie ausgesucht, um zu provozieren. Diese Art Hohn ist ein Mittel rechter Symbolik.

Georg M. Oswald

New York Times, 08.05.2013

America’s Military Injustice


Christian Science Monitor, 08.05.2013

Sexting: They don't call it that now, and other facts about teen mobile nudity

PolicyMic, 09.05.2013

Gun Control 2013: Guns and Crime is a False Correlation

Zack Fulkerson, 09.05.2013

Mobile phone theft, card fraud and property crime - all the key data

Politic365, 09.05.2013

Immigration Enforcement Consequence: Latinos Fear the Police

Jungle World Nr. 19, 09.05.2013

Terror als Spektakel

Der NSU-Prozess in München kommt als großes Spektakel daher. Diese Boulevardisierung erfüllt eine Funktion.

Markus Ströhlein

Slate Magazine, 09.05.2013

Do psychics ever solve crimes? Why do police consult them?

Brian Palmer, 09.05.2013

West Yorkshire police to publish findings of Jimmy Savile report

Force opened investigation in January into all its contact with late DJ, revealed to be a predatory paedophile after his death
Gulli, 09.05.2013

Exportkontrollen für Überwachungssoftware

Deutsche Welle online, 09.05.2013

Subkultur der Gewalt im Jugendknast

FAZ.NET, 09.05.2013

Japanische Mafia Ich bin Ausländer und habe ein paar Fragen

Einer der besten Kenner der Yakuza, der japanischen Mafia, ist ein Amerikaner: Jake Adelstein. Weil es Morddrohungen gegen den Reporter gibt, steht er in Tokio unter Polizeischutz. Trotzdem will er bleiben.

Carsten Germis, Tokio

SPIEGEL ONLINE, 09.05.2013

Cyber-Bankräuber erbeuten weltweit 45 Millionen Dollar

DIE WELT online, 09.05.2013

Warum bei jugendlichen Tätern oft nur Knast wirkt

Warum hören wir auf "einfühlsame Psychologen", die Strafen für Intensivtäter zum Teufelszeug erklären? Gegen Jugendliche, die schon in der Schule durch Gewalt auffallen, helfen nur echte Sanktionen.

Rainer Werner

Jungle World Nr. 19, 09.05.2013


Die Affäre um die Beschäftigung von Familienangehörigen im bayerischen Landtag kommt der CSU denkbar ungelegen.

Pascal Beucker

University of Toronto, 09.05.2013

Parental addictions linked to adult children’s depression

Depression in adulthood is linked to parental addictions during childhood, according to a new study by University of Toronto researchers.
Michigan State University, 09.05.2013

The link between sexual harassment and 'purging' – in men

Telepolis, 10.05.2013

Datendieb Falciani kann weiter Steuerbetrug und Geldwäsche aufdecken

Südwest Presse, 10.05.2013

Spur ins Spielhallen-Milieu

Neuer Ermittlungsansatz drei Jahre nach der Entführung und Ermordung der Heidenheimerin Maria Bögerl: Die Polizei sucht mehrere Täter, die Spielhallen im bayerisch-württembergischen Grenzraum besuchen.


SPIEGEL ONLINE, 10.05.2013

So lief der Millionen-Cyber-Diebstahl ab


Konrad Lischka

WBUR, 10.05.2013

What Does 'Sexual Coercion' Say About A Society?

Shankar Vedantam

Daily Mail-PUBLISHED, 10.05.2013

Texting at the wheel kills more teenagers every year than drink-driving, study reveals

PolicyMic, 10.05.2013

Gun Control Debate 2013: Guns and Gun Violence Go Hand in Hand

Sean McElwee

Washington Post, 10.05.2013

Five myths about missing children

David Finkelhor

ZEIT ONLINE, 10.05.2013

3-D-Druck: Student darf Bauplan für Pistole nicht mehr verbreiten

Märkische Allgemeine, 10.05.2013

Cybermobbing ein ernsthaftes Thema

Polizei will Brandenburgs Schüler stärker vor Internet-Kriminalität schützen
Le Monde diplomatique Nr. 10101, 10.05.2013

Der wahre Skandal

Soziale Ungleichheit untergräbt die Demokratie

Serge Halimi

Prevention Action, 10.05.2013

Early child education: The economic case for investment

Deutschlandradio Kultur / Kommentar, 11.05.2013

Der Albtraum hört nicht auf

Die erste Woche des NSU-Prozesses

Dorothea Jung

Deutschlandradio Kultur / Fließende Grenze, 11.05.2013

Klischee oder Wahrheit?

Kriminalität an der deutsch-polnischen Grenze

Marina Schweizer

DIE WELT ONLINE, 11.05.2013

Die neue Brutalität der Einbrecher in Deutschland

Tagesspiegel, 11.05.2013

Gute Geschäfte mit der Angst

Nach den Anschlägen von Boston

Kevin P. Hoffmann

The Australian, 11.05.2013

Out of the blue: violence and the mentally ill

Richard Guilliatt

Deutschlandfunk / Themen der Woche, 11.05.2013

Strapazierte Erwartungen

Der NSU-Prozess startet mit Hindernissen

Friedrich Burschel, "Radio Lotte Weimar"

Deutschlandradio Kultur / Reportage, 11.05.2013

Drehkreuz der Randale

Fanbegegnung auf dem Hauptbahnhof Hannover

Thomas Jädicke

New York Times, 12.05.2013

Review of 50 Brooklyn Murder Cases Ordered


Business Insider, 12.05.2013

A Murderer's Brain Vs. A Normal Brain

Tim Adams, The Guardian

Wirral Globe, 12.05.2013

Victim Support warning

Geoff Barnes

The Observer, 12.05.2013

20 ways to keep your internet identity safe from hackers

BBC News, 12.05.2013

Do children belong on adult sex offender registries?

Marc Georges

, 12.05.2013

Salafisten in Deutschland – Mit modernen Methoden zurück ins Mittelalter

Bodo Straub

DIE WELT ONLINE, 12.05.2013

Das unfassbare deutsche Infrastruktur-Desaster

Die Infrastruktur galt als Rückgrat der Volkswirtschaft und Garant für den Wohlstand. Doch Straßen, Schienen- und Wasserwege, Energie- und Telefonnetze verkommen. Experten sehen eine "Zeitbombe".

N. Doll, S. Fründt, E. A. Ginten, T. Heuzeroth, B. Nicolai, A. Tauber und D. Wetzel

Newcastle Herald, 12.05.2013

OPINION: Cannabis considered


Deutschlandfunk / Interview der Woche, 12.05.2013

"Sicherheit duldet keinen Aufschub"

Innenminister Hans-Peter Friedrich (CSU) über das Unterschätzen des Rechtsextremismus Das Gespräch führte Gudula Geuther
Welt am Sonntag, 12.05.2013

Wut ist gut!

Die moderne Pädagogik versucht, unseren Kindern die Aggressionen auszutreiben. Damit richtet sie schwere Schäden an.

Jesper Juul

DIE WELT ONLINE, 13.05.2013

Die Abrechnung für eine beispiellose Gewaltorgie

Fall Jonny K.
Südwest Presse, 13.05.2013

Amerika hat seinen "Fall Kampusch"

Märkische Allgemeine, 13.05.2013

Im Kreis der Gewalt

In Berlin beginnt der Prozess gegen die mutmaßlichen Täter, die Jonny K. am Alexanderplatz zu Tode geprügelt haben sollen
SecurityInfoWatch, 13.05.2013

Study: Majority of convicted burglars say alarms are a deterrent

Education Week News (blog), 13.05.2013

Nearly 2 of 3 Children Exposed to Violence, Crime, and Abuse

Nirvi Shah

Science Codex-Posted, 13.05.2013

Study updates estimates, trends for childhood exposure to violence, crime, abuse

WWL-, 13.05.2013

Tulane criminologist: ‘They don’t care who gets in the way’

az Solothurner Zeitung, 13.05.2013

Korruptionsexperte: «Schweiz muss von Fifa mehr Transparenz verlangen»

Der Landbote - Winterthur Stadt, 13.05.2013

Immer misstrauisch bleiben

Senioren werden weniger häufig Opfer von Verbrechen als junge Menschen. Bis auf eine Ausnahme: den Enkeltrickbetrug. In diesem Fall kann ein gesundes Misstrauen vor Verbrechern schützen.
Der Landbote - Winterthur Stadt, 13.05.2013

Wie man den Betrügern entgeht, 13.05.2013

Kriminologe mahnt zur Besonnenheit beim Thema Jugendgewalt

Cop2Cop, 13.05.2013

BDK im Gespräch mit dem Justizminister Kutschaty

BDK Vorstandsmitglieder diskutierten in einem gut zweistündigen Gespräch mit dem Justizminister Herrn Kutschaty aktuelle, sowohl die Kriminalpolizei als auch die Justiz berührende Themen.
American Geophysical Union, 13.05.2013

Searching for Clandestine Graves with Geophysical Tools

Deutschlandradio Kultur / Interview, 13.05.2013

Vorhandenes Potenzial im Kampf gegen Rechtsextremismus nutzen

SPD-Politikerin Högl: Wir brauchen keine neue Behörde
Deutschlandfunk / Europa heute, 13.05.2013

Verurteilter Terrorist Carlos geht in Berufung

In Paris beginnt das Verfahren

Hans Woller

Die Welt, 13.05.2013

Legt das Kopftuch ab!

Seit Jahren beschäftigt sich die Islamkonferenz mit den Fragen der Religion. Wie ihre Funktionäre Frauen und Mädchen besserstellen könnten, ist ihnen gleichgültig.

Necla Kelek, 13.05.2013

"Im Nachhinein ist jeder schlauer"

ZEITGESCHICHTE Wie antisemitisch war die radikale Linke in den 1970er Jahren? Sehr, sagt der Hamburger Historiker Wolfgang Kraushaar. Bis auf wenige Ausnahmen kaum, hält Bommi Baumann, früherer Haschrebell und Stadtguerillero, dagegen
Simon Fraser University, 13.05.2013

Brazil crack user study finds critical need for intervention

Deutschlandradio Kultur, 13.05.2013

Jugendgewalt - die Hemmschwelle sinkt

Ethik-Professor: Gesellschaft bietet Jugendlichen keinen Sinn mehr Markus Tiedemann im Gespräch mit Elke Durak
Deutschlandradio Kultur, 13.05.2013

Erschlagen mitten in Berlin

Brutale Tötung von Jonny K. löste bundesweit Empörung aus

Dorothea Jung

FAZ.NET, 13.05.2013

Tödliche Prügelei am Alexanderplatz

Im Oktober 2012 wurde Jonny K. in Berlin zu Tode geprügelt. Sechs junge Männer müssen sich nun vor Gericht verantworten. Zum Beginn des Prozesses beschuldigen sie sich gegenseitig.

Julia Schaaf, Berlin

Märkische Allgemeine, 14.05.2013

Polizeifeindliche Haltung nimmt zu

Studie vom Brandenburger Innenministerium: Neonazis gehen immer aggressiver gegen die Polizei vor, 14.05.2013

Jäger fordert: Mehr Fernsehgelder in Fanprojekte

Mindener Tageblatt, 14.05.2013

Kölner Studie: Faustrecht herrscht im Jugendknast

Übergriffe laut Studie an der Tagesordnung


Darum ist Leipzig jetzt die gefährlichste Stadt im Osten

Kriminologie-Professor erklärt den traurigen Trend. Leipzig – Es ist ein Trend, der traurig macht: War Leipzig bislang immer „nur“ in Sachsen Nummer Eins, ist die Messestadt laut aktueller Kriminalitätsstatistik nun die gefährlichste Stadt im ganzen Osten!
RP ONLINE, 14.05.2013

Kriminalstatistik empört den Polizei-Präsidenten

HANS ONKELBACH, 14.05.2013

"Antisemitismus nicht einziges Problem"

Hans Rauscher

Sü, 14.05.2013

Studie: Rechte feindseliger gegenüber der Polizei

SPIEGEL ONLINE, 14.05.2013

Fingerhakeln nach Juristenart


Gisela Friedrichsen, München, 14.05.2013

„Toleranz hat sich verändert“

In der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung werden Jugendliche immer brutaler. Der Kriminologe Gerhard Spiess rückt das Bild im Gespräch mit der taz zurecht.Interview: Jasmin Kalarickal
Deutschlandradio Kultur, 14.05.2013

"Man fand es politisch nicht besonders wichtig"

Erziehungswissenschaftler zu Pädophilie-Vorwürfen gegen die Grünen Micha Brumlik im Gespräch mit Katrin Heise
Medical Xpress, 14.05.2013

Substance use, aggression linked in new study focused on Latino youth

Forbes, 14.05.2013

Disarming Realities: As Gun Sales Soar, Gun Crimes Plummet

Larry Bell, Contributor

Forbes, 14.05.2013

Civilization and Its Discontents: Burying the Boston Marathon Bomber

Harvey Silverglate

Die Welt, 15.05.2013

Jeder fünfte Hamburger Schüler nimmt Drogen

Suchtforscher warnen: Umfrage zu Cannabis-Konsum deutet auf starken Anstieg hin

Axel Tiedemann und Peter Ulrich Meyer

Märkische Allgemeine, 15.05.2013

Verloren im Habbo-Hotel

Kriminologe erforscht Gefahren in Sozialen Medien / Vortrag an Polizeifachhochschule
The New Republic online, 15.05.2013

Is the 'Chilling Effect' Real? National-security reporters on the impact of federal scrutiny


Wall Street Journal, 15.05.2013

L.A. Schools Rethink Suspensions


Newswise, 15.05.2013

UIndy Forensic Team to Assist in Identification of Dead Migrants in Texas

Salon, 15.05.2013

Our approach to pedophilia isn’t working

By focusing only on punishment, experts say we're putting more children at risk

Sophie McAdam

Drug War Chronicle, 16.05.2013

The IRS War on Medical Marijuana Providers [FEATURE]

special to Drug War Chronicle by investigative reporter Clarence Walker,
Houston Chronicle (blog), 16.05.2013

Will legalizing marijuana improve civil liberties?

atlantadailyworld, 16.05.2013

Blacks Are Still Majority of the Wrongfully Convicted

San Jose Mercury News, 16.05.2013

Professor says fatal shootings not random, linked to violent social networks

David Boitano

Wall Street Journal (blog), 16.05.2013

More Talk, Less Violence: Helping Chicago’s At-Risk Youth

Brenda Cronin

Denver Post, 16.05.2013

Forgive, but you should still execute Nathan Dunlap

Joe Meverden, 16.05.2013

Sie bleiben die Antworten bis heute schuldig

LINKE Wolfgang Kraushaar stellte am Dienstag in Berlin sein Buch über die antisemitischen Wurzeln des deutschen Terrorismus vor
Jungle World Nr. 20, 16.05.2013

Kamerad gegen Kamerad

In Nordrhein-Westfalen hängt der rechtsextreme Haussegen schief. Die Konkurrenz zwischen der NPD und der Partei »Die Rechte« wird mit schmutzigen Mitteln ausgetragen, NPD-Funktionäre sind zur Gegenseite übergelaufen.

Michael Klarmann

Jungle World Nr. 20, 16.05.2013

»Die Moschee ist kein Ort der Integration«

Hamed Abdel-Samad hat sowohl an der Islam-Konferenz der Bundesregierung als auch an der Kritischen Islam-Konferenz in Berlin teilgenommen. Der deutsch-ägyptische Politologe kritisiert den Einfluss der Islam-Verbände auf Politik, Justiz und Bildung. Interview: Carl Melchers
SPIEGEL ONLINE, 16.05.2013

Der Altfall

Zweifelhafte Sicherungsverwahrung

Julia Jüttner

SPIEGEL ONLINE, 16.05.2013

Der letzte Wille

Mordprozess gegen 78-Jährigen

Julia Jüttner, Stade

Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics May 16, 2013, 16.05.2013

Can math models of gaming strategies be used to detect terrorism networks?

Philadelphia, PA— The answer is yes, according to a paper in the SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics.
Newswise Released, 16.05.2013

Through the Eyes of a Burglar: Study Provides Insights on Habits and Motivations

St. Michael's Hospital, 16.05.2013

Researchers shocked by new statistics on head injuries among people who are homeless or in danger of losing their home

Leslie Shepherd

Association for Psychological Science PRESS RELEASE, 16.05.2013

High-Testosterone Competitors More Likely to Choose Red

Why do so many sports players and athletes choose to wear the color red when they compete? A new study to be published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, suggests that it may have to do with their testosterone levels.
The New Republic online, 17.05.2013

Signature Required? No! Technology has made signing our names a farce


EurekAlert!, 17.05.2013

Corruption influences migration of skilled workers

EurekAlert!, 17.05.2013

Youth who have their first drink during puberty have higher levels of later drinking

The earlier the age at which youth take their first alcoholic drink, the greater the risk of later alcohol problems.
MIT News, 17.05.2013

Using literature to understand violence against blacks

MIT professor Sandy Alexandre studies the literary record to shed light on the history of lynching in the United States
Foreign Policy (blog), 17.05.2013

Why do some groups choose nonviolence?

Joshua Keating

New York Times, 17.05.2013

Killing Reveals the Still-Dark Side of a Gentrifying Capital


New York Times, 17.05.2013

Justice Dept. Lost Track of Terrorists, Report Says


New York Times, 17.05.2013

Where the I.R.S. Investigation May Go From Here


New York Times, 17.05.2013

Gunshots on Warm Spring Evenings


The Economist, 18.05.2013

By the book

The American Psychiatric Association’s latest diagnostic manual remains a flawed attempt to categorise mental illness
The Economist, 18.05.2013

Changing my religion

A British strand of Islam is emerging as more people become converts
Daily News & Analysis-, 19.05.2013

What motivates and deters burglars?

Huffington Post, 19.05.2013

10 Countries Where People Fear For Their Safety

The Advertiser, 19.05.2013

Alexander Downer: You do the crime, but you shouldn't always have to do the time

Putting people in prison isn't always a good idea for the prisoner or society, writes Alexander Downer.
The Miami Herald, 20.05.2013

Polygraph world’s close ties spark accusations of favoritism

Marisa Taylor, McClatchy Washington Bureau

CBS News- MoneyWatch, 20.05.2013

Can a rise in crime increase your property value?

lyce Glink Source, 20.05.2013

Chicago Police Return to Community Policing

Jeremy Gorner

Fraser Coast Chronicle, 20.05.2013

Legalising cannabis for recreation is the obvious next step

Roderick Makim

Fairbanks Daily News-Miner, 20.05.2013

Protect finances of the elderly

Roxie Dinstel / Pinching Pennies

PR Web (press release)-, 21.05.2013

Unprecedented Domestic Violence Study Affirms Need to Recognize Male Victims

New York Times, 22.05.2013

Lessons From Prohibition

Garrett Peck

New York Times, 22.05.2013

Finding Just the Right Tax Rate

Kim Rueben

New York Times, 22.05.2013

Why Legalization Wouldn’t End Crime

Beau Kilmer

New York Times, 22.05.2013

Why Legalization Wouldn’t End Crime

Beau Kilmer

BBC News, 22.05.2013

How much are police and crime commissioners costing?

EurekAlert!, 22.05.2013

Addiction as a disorder of decision-making

Association for Psychological Science, 22.05.2013

Brain Can Be Trained in Compassion, Study Shows

Herald Sun, 22.05.2013

Neighbourhoods thrive on cul-de-sacs, a study finds

Susie O'Brien

The Globe and Mail online, 22.05.2013

How I successfully treated my father for Charlton Heston Disorder

James Watzke Jr. (blog)-, 23.05.2013

Too much terrorism data? Connecting the dots may be getting harder

Mark Clayton, Christian Science Monitor

McClatchy Washington Bureau, 23.05.2013

Marijuana is drug most often linked to crime, study finds

Rob Hotakainen | McClatchy Washington Bureau

Truth-Out, 23.05.2013

Obama Expands Militarization of Police

David Zlutnick

EurekAlert!, 23.05.2013

Study: Empathy plays a key role in moral judgments

Report by researchers at Boston College and Institute of Cognitive Neurology
PolitiFact, 23.05.2013

University of Rhode Island professor says black- or brown-skinned people are nine times more likely to be stopped and frisked in New York City

Mostly True

The Globe and Mail Published, 23.05.2013

What’s it like being a sociopath? A memoir takes you inside her head

M.E. Thomas is a sociopath – and she wants you to understand what it’s like to be one.


Independent, 23.05.2013

Woolwich attack: We have a duty to report these images, but editors face difficult ethical questions

Reporting on this sadistic murder allows us to see - and see through - its perpetrators Stig Abell
PreventionAction, 23.05.2013

Environment trumps genes for baby-parent bonds in maltreated children

New York Times (blog)-, 24.05.2013

Drowning by Numbers


Prospect (UK),, 24.05.2013

Can police predict crimes?

New technology makes prevention possible

Martin Innes and Denis O Connor

Eurozine, 24.05.2013

Woolwich and Afghanistan: The connection

Paul Rogers

The Observer, 25.05.2013

The Anatomy of Violence by Adrian Raine – review

A surprisingly entertaining study of genetic disposition to crime poses challenging moral questions Salley Vickers
The Observer, 25.05.2013

Online porn: the facts and the fantasy

Exposure to explicit sexual violence doesn't mean teenagers will be prone to copying it in the bedroom

Bertie Brandes

New York Times, 25.05.2013

Mexican Official Defends Accuracy of Data on Organized Crime


The Economist, 25.05.2013

Return to old-style terror

A shocking killing is a reminder that disorganised jihadists are harder to stop than organised ones
The Economist, 25.05.2013

Inching forward

Restless politicians are changing the debate about narcotics liberalisation
The Economist May, 25.05.2013

The solace of quantum

Eavesdropping on secret communications is about to get harder
The Economist, 25.05.2013

Sex doesn’t sell

An old industry is in deep recession
The Economist, 25.05.2013

Guns and sugar

More governments are insisting that weapons-sellers invest in side deals to help them develop their industries. This is a bad idea
The Economist, 25.05.2013

Cell phones

Why does it cost so much for prisoners to keep in touch with their families?, 26.05.2013

Benefits of Drug Legalization May Outweigh Increase in Number of Drug Users

The chorus of official voices calling for an end to drug prohibition and its replacement with decriminalization or legalization grew by two last week with the release of expert reports by the Organization of American States (OAS) and the Canadian Drug Policy Coalition.
Las Vegas Review, 26.05.2013

Human-trafficking problem is difficult to measure


The Independent, 26.05.2013

Terror in Woolwich: Internet is the vital frontline in war against extremism

Experts are trying to pre-empt terrorism by bombarding jihadist websites with alternative messages

Paul Cahalan, Jonathan Owen, 27.05.2013

Should Inmates be Allowed to Have Pen Pals?

Judith A. Yates

ABC News, 27.05.2013

What it Costs When We Don't Educate Inmates for Life After Prison

EMILY DERUY, 27.05.2013

Woolwich attack: caution urged over crackdown on extremist websites

Theresa May's comments prompt internet experts to warn that rush to ban websites would be crude and counterproductive

Ben Quinn

EurekAlert!, 27.05.2013

Surge in children accidentally eating marijuana-laced foods

Relaxed Colorado drug laws behind trend, 27.05.2013

Evidence Does Not Support Fears of Islam in the West

Islamophobia, 27.05.2013

Evidence Does Not Support Fears of Islam in the West

Islamophobia (blog), 27.05.2013

Study: 'Crack Baby' scare of the 1980s overblown

As so-called "crack babies" enter their thirties, new research suggests the 1980s scare was overstated.

KRISTEN BUTLER, (blog), 27.05.2013

Study: 'Crack Baby' scare of the 1980s overblown

As so-called "crack babies" enter their thirties, new research suggests the 1980s scare was overstated.


Eurozine, 27.05.2013

Deeper than a tweet

The Boston bombing and why you can't become completely American

George Blecher

Huffington Post UK (blog), 28.05.2013

Why Did MI5 Miss Woolwich?

Head of the Violence and Extremism Programme and the Centre for the Analysis of Social Media at Demos

Jamie Bartlett

University of Warwick Public Release, 28.05.2013

Childhood bullying increases the propensity to self-harm during adolescence

University of Cincinnati Public Release, 28.05.2013

UC Research Highlights the Increasing Problem of Prescription Drug Abuse Among Youth

A new study highlights how parents and peers can help curb the problem.
TIME-May, 28.05.2013

More Kids Accidentally Ingesting Marijuana Following New Drug Policies

Bonnie Rochman

Newswise Released, 29.05.2013

China Cyber Espionage Activity to Increase in Near Future

Andrew Mertha, associate professor of government at Cornell University, discusses why he expects cyber espionage and hacking from China to increase in the near future.
Washington Post (blog)-, 29.05.2013

The most embarrassing graph in American drug policy

Harold Pollack

Princeton University, 29.05.2013

Forum examines 'epidemic' of gun violence as a public health issue

Jamie Saxon, Office of Communications

Science Daily (press release)-, 29.05.2013

People Can 'Beat' Guilt Detection Tests by Suppressing Incriminating Memories

New research published by an international team of psychologists has shown that people can suppress incriminating memories and thereby avoid detection in brain activity guilt detection tests.

The Conversation, 29.05.2013

Legitimising lethal male violence: why defensive homicide needs to be abolished

EurekAlert!, 29.05.2013

Putting the brakes on distracted driving

UAlberta sociology researcher dials up demographic profile of people who use cellphones behind the wheel
PolitiFact-Published, 30.05.2013

Do protection orders really protect? The answer isn’t clear

Tom Feran (blog)-, 30.05.2013

Myth Busting: Are Violence & Mental Illness Significantly Related?

John M. Grohol, Psy.D.

EurekAlert!, 30.05.2013

93 percent of homicides of US law enforcement officers result from firearms

New York Times, 30.05.2013

Anonymous Payment Schemes Thriving on Web


New York Times, 30.05.2013

The School-to-Prison Pipeline


Central Queensland news, 30.05.2013

Born to be bad? The link between biology and breaking the law

Clint Witchalls

University of Georgia, 30.05.2013

UGA research uncovers cost of resiliency in kids

April Reese Sorrow

EurekAlert!, 30.05.2013

Young people are overwhelmingly the victims of sexual assaults

OB Rag, 30.05.2013

OB-to-Sacramento Innocence Project March Hits Santa Barbara – Expects to Be in Santa Cruz June 6th

TIME, 30.05.2013

ow to Reduce Crime: Treat It Like an Infectious Disease

Gary Slutkin

SPIEGEL ONLINE, 30.05.2013

How Legalizing Prostitution Has Failed

When Germany legalized prostitution just over a decade ago, politicians hoped that it would create better conditions and more autonomy for sex workers. It hasn't worked out that way, though. Exploitation and human trafficking remain significant problems. By SPIEGEL
Perth Now, 30.05.2013

Developers blame parents, not games on child exposure to violent games

Alex Rubens, 31.05.2013

Almost half of people shot dead by Australian police were mentally ill

Report says 44 out of 105 fatal shootings in the past 22 years were of people with mental illness
EurekAlert!, 31.05.2013

Are children who take Ritalin for ADHD at greater risk of future drug abuse?

Ottawa Citizen, 31.05.2013

Criminologist ‘pessimistic’ Ottawa police race data project will lead to change


Salon, 31.05.2013

Should owner of killer dogs be charged with murder?

A Los Angeles man is charged after his pit bulls kill a woman, in a case which could redefine pet responsibility

Elizabeth Williams

Financial Times, 31.05.2013

Welcome to Mogadishu

Despite the threats from Islamist militants, the Somali capital is bursting back to life

Katrina Manson