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AIC: CriminologyTV videos

The latest crime and justice publications from the AIC and resources from around the world are now available from the Alert Service. Popular topics can be accessed from the drop down list and wherever possible full text is provided via an Open Access link.

CriminologyTV videos

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Call for posters for the CEP 13th Electronic Monitoring conference

Call for posters for the CEP 13th Electronic Monitoring conference

3-5 December 2024, Cascais (Lisbon), Portugal


CEP seeks poster submissions on electronic monitoring topics, due by September 23, 2024.

Requirements include a poster: title, 100-word abstract, authors' details and a brief biography.

Accepted authors must prepare A1 posters in English, following display guidelines and avoiding promotion of private entities involved in EM technologies.


It is time for the 13th edition of the Electronic Monitoring Conference. This year’s theme is ‘Beyond Control – Electronic Monitoring and Prevention’. Check out the programme and register now!

>>Read more



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Webinar invitation: Coercive control & investigative interviewing within the context of trafficking in human beings

The Australian Institute of Criminology (AIC) and European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control (HEUNI, based in Finland) will host the third webinar in the series ‘Down Under and Up North: Modern Slavery Discussions Between Australia and Finland’ on Tuesday 10 September 2024 9.00-10.30 am (UTC+3, Helsinki time) and 4.00-5.30 pm (UTC+10, Canberra time).

This webinar will be on the topic of Coercive control and investigative interviewing within the context of trafficking in human beings and feature a panel of Finnish and Australian speakers.
Dr Julia Korkman, Adjunct Professor (docent) in legal psychology; President of the European Association of Psychology and Law; Senior Programme Officer at HEUNI
Noora Halmeenlaakso, Detective Senior Sergeant, National Bureau of Investigation Finland; Doctoral Researcher at University of Eastern Finland
Pekka Hätönen, District Prosecutor, Prosecution District of Western Finland
Dr Helen Paterson, Associate Professor in Forensic Psychology, University of Sydney
The webinar will also include time for a Q&A session and discussion.  



Register Here

Webinar on Tackling Knife Crime: Can the New Labour Government Succeed in Halving Knife Crime in a Decade?

Tuesday, October 29th 2024 between 9:30 AM — 1:00 PM BST

Public Policy Exchange will be hosting a webinar on Tackling Knife Crime: Can the New Labour Government Succeed in Halving Knife Crime in a Decade?

which will take place on  Tuesday, October 29th 2024 between 9:30 AM — 1:00 PM BST

Please click here to register online.




  • Understand the state of knife crime in the UK today, its drivers, and how these should be addressed
  • Examine the new Labour government’s plans to halve knife crime in a decade, assess the likelihood of this being achieved, and consider the challenges in its implementation
  • Develop a comprehensive knife crime action plan that tackles knife crime and its causes
  • Explore how practitioners from across the public and third sectors can improve collaboration and develop early intervention strategies to protect vulnerable young people and tackle knife crime  
  • Share police best practice in reducing incidences of knife crime
  • Learn how survivors of knife crime and victims' families can be better supported



The Managed services of ICPS (International Centre for Parliamentary Studies) and PPE (Public Policy Exchange)

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webinar on Tackling Knife Crime: Can the New Labour Government Succeed in Halving Knife Crime in a Decade?
Tuesday, October 29th 2024 between 9:30 AM — 1:00 PM BST


Invitation to attend the CEP and EuroPris workshop on Foreign Nationals in Prison and Probation

The Confederation of European Probation invite you to join for a crucial workshop in collaboration with the EuroPris and kindly hosted by the Federal Ministry of Justice of Austria, as we address one of the most significant issues facing European prison systems today—Foreign National Offenders (FNOs).


As migration and global political shifts continue to impact Europe, the number and proportion of FNOs in prisons are rising, bringing unique challenges to prison and probation services. That being said, an FNO in one country is a citizen imprisoned abroad in another.

This dual perspective is central to the work of EuroPris and CEP’ Foreign Nationals in Prison and Probation (FNPP) Expert Group.


This workshop from 29-30 October 2024, will bring together professionals from across Europe, including those in prison, probation, and NGOs, to engage in presentations, discussions, and knowledge-sharing on this increasingly important area of criminal justice policy.


>> More information


The workshop will be a full two-day event in October.

The workshop schedule is as follows:

  • Tuesday, 29 October: Full-day workshop
  • Wednesday, 30 October: Half-day workshop (until 12:30 PM)


During these two days, participants will have the opportunity to engage in various activities, discussions, and learning sessions.

More details to follow soon.


>>Register here


Date and location

Date: 29-30 October 2024
Location: Bundesministerium für Justiz, Palais Trautson, Museumstrasse 7, 1070 Wien, Austria


>>Register here


Copyright (C) 2024 Confederation of European Probation. All rights reserved

Probation Board for Northern Ireland launch film “Changing Lives” to raise Awareness and Confidence in Community Sentencing

The Probation Board for Northern Ireland have published a film on YouTube to raise awareness of and confidence in community sentencing.

The 10-minute-long film “Changing Lives: The Inside Story of the Probation Service” shines a light on the impact community sentences have on the lives of people who have committed crime help them to break the cycle of offending. The film highlights real stories of transformation, providing a look at the realities faced by those on Probation.

Viewers will hear from Probation Officers, a service user, a victim of crime, a lecturer on Criminology and a District Court Judge. Each person interviewed tells of an important part about the work of Probation and how community sentencing can change lives for safer communities.

The film has been published online on the Probation Board for Northern Ireland YouTube channel at

Chief Executive Amanda Stewart said: “Probation is a public service which works to protect the public and reduce reoffending by supervising people who have offended in the community while overseeing their rehabilitation and resettlement.  Sometimes it can be difficult to articulate to the public exactly what probation does.  The best way of describing it, is that we help people to change their lives. This video shows in a simple way the work that Probation Officer’s carry out and the impact they can make on people’s lives”.

Che a service user featured in the film speaks of the changes he has made to his life: “I don’t know where I’d be without probation. I currently live in a temporary homeless shelter and my probation officer has been amazing and has helped me with my mental health and accessing housing. This is a second chance, and you can show to your family and the rest of the world that you’re not a bad person you’ve made mistakes but now you’re doing well.”

Criminologist Dr Brian Payne from Ulster University explains the benefit of community sentencing: “Community sentencing is an opportunity to promote people’s rehabilitation back into the community. Probation officers have extensive powers to ensure that a court order is upheld. They can go into people’s families and their houses, speak to their employers and make decisions that can be fed back to the courts. Whilst it can be difficult to directly compare sentences, research shows that people on community sentences are less likely to reoffend than those serving short prison sentences.”

European Crime Prevention Award and Best Practice Conference: "Prevention of Reoffending"


Call for projects is open! 

The focus of this years European crime Prevention Award (ECPA) is the prevention of reoffending. The Best Practice Conference (BPC), where all national entries will be presented and the winner will be announced, will be held on December 3-4 2024, in Budapest. 

Interested in participating? Please submit the project in English to the EUCPN Secretariat, through your National Representative of the EUCPN. The deadline is 30 September 2024. 


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