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Speaker Update - Webinar on Tackling Drug Dependence & Misuse

Designing New Approaches for Dealing with an Escalating Crisis Under a New Labour Government which will take place on Tuesday, September 17th 2024 between 9:30 AM — 1:00 PM BST.


Confirmed Speakers:

  • Dr Alan Curley - Programme Lead & Lecturer in Adult Health Studies at the University of the West of Scotland
  • Dr Piers Henriques - Head of Communications at NACOA
  • Dr Martin Frisher - Reader in Health Services Research at Keele University
  • Dr Julie Harris -Lecturer in Criminology and Criminal Justice at Ulster University
  • Professor Anne Campbell - Member of the UK Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs & Programme Director for the Masters in Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders at Queen’s University Belfast




  • Discuss current trends in drug dependency and misuse in the UK and the drivers of these trends
  • Assess current government policy to reduce drug misuse and support those struggling with drug dependence
  • Learn about and assess the implications of Labour’s plans for government on drug dependence and misuse
  • Develop multi-agency strategies for improving the care and support that those with drug dependence are able to receive and improving access to these services
  • Evaluate the competing cases for strengthening criminal sanctions against the illegal drug trade and drug use use versus decriminalisation and legalisation
  • Examine the case for establishing drug consumption rooms and overdose-prevention centres across the UK
  • Understand why drug deaths are so high in the UK compared to comparable countries

Public Policy Exchange


AIC: Youth Crime and Gangs Symposium – Program now available


The full program has just been released for the Youth Crime and Gangs Symposium on 4 September in Melbourne. This event is being co-hosted by the Australian Institute of Criminology as part of the Australia and New Zealand Society of Evidence Based Policing Global EBP Conference 2024.
Join us as we discuss the latest evidence, headlined by:

  • Professor David Kennedy from the National Network for Safe Communities, the leading expert on focused deterrence approaches to crime control
  • Superintendent Suzanne Hopper from the Metropolitan Police Service in London
  • Professor Stephane Shepherd from Deakin University, an expert on the needs of young people involved in the justice system
  • Dr John Denley, the Director Investigations from the UK National Crime Agency
  • A panel with young people with recent lived experience of the criminal justice system
  • And much more

The symposium will follow a two-day conference with a stellar lineup of international and local police and researchers sharing cutting edge research on what works in policing for community safety.
Register to attend the in-person symposium:
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