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AIC publications 2024

Current as at 3 June 2024

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      Guiding principles for developing initiatives to prevent child sexual abuse material
      Alexandra Gannoni, Alexandra Voce & Sarah Napier


      Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice no. 696                  30-05-2024

      Online dating app facilitated sexual violence victimisation among people with disability
      Heather Wolbers & Hayley Boxall


      Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice no. 695                  28-05-2024

      Towards a theory of Indigenous contact with the criminal justice system
      Don Weatherburn, Michael Doyle & Teagan Weatherall


      Research Report no. 32                  22-05-2024

      Towards an understanding of Indigenous arrest
      Don Weatherburn, Michael Doyle & Teagan Weatherall


      Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice no. 694                  22-05-2024

      A whole-of-university response to youth justice: Reflections on a university–youth
      justice partnership
      Garner Clancey, Cecilia Drumore & Laura Metcalfe


      Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice no. 691                  09-05-2024

      Grievances and conspiracy theories as motivators of anti- authority protests
      Timothy Cubitt, Anthony Morgan & Isabella Voce


      Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice no. 693                  03-05-2024

      Participation in anti-authority protests and vulnerability to radicalisation
      Anthony Morgan, Timothy Cubitt & Isabella Voce


      Research Report no. 31                  03-05-2024

      Prevalence and predictors of requests for facilitated child sexual exploitation on
      online platforms
      Savannah Minihan, Melanie Burton & Mariesa Nicholas


      Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice no. 692                  02-05-2024

      Homicide in Australia 2022–23
      Hannah Miles & Samantha Bricknell


      Statistical Report no. 46                  30-04-2024

      Homicide in Australia 2021–22
      Hannah Miles, Emily Faulconbridge & Samantha Bricknell


      Statistical Report no. 45                  30-04-2024

      Police training in responding to family, domestic and sexual violence
      Christopher Dowling


      Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice no. 689                  18-04-2024

      Recorded sexual offences among juveniles in Australia
      Michael Cahill, Sarah Napier & Dana Thomsen


      Statistical Bulletin no. 43                  11-04-2024

      Predicting high-harm offending using national police information systems: An application
      to outlaw motorcycle gangs
      Timothy Cubitt & Anthony Morgan


      Research Report no. 30                  26-03-2024

      User experiences of reporting dating app facilitated sexual violence to dating platforms
      Siobhan Lawler & Hayley Boxall


      Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice no. 688                  12-03-2024

      Community perceptions of corruption by public officials
      Alexandra Voce, Anthony Morgan & Timothy Cubitt


      Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice no. 687                  07-03-2024

      Video visitation in Australian prisons: Perspectives on father–child contact
      Natalia Hanley, Elisabeth Duursma & Amy Conley Wright


      Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice no. 683                  05-03-2024

      Risk factors for receiving requests to facilitate child sexual exploitation and abuse on
      dating apps and websites
      Coen Teunissen, Dana Thomsen & Sarah Napier


      Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice no. 686                  29-02-2024

      Motives and pathways for joining outlaw motorcycle gangs
      Isabella Voce, Dominic Boland & Anthony Morgan


      Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice no. 685                  27-02-2024

      How police body-worn cameras can facilitate misidentification in domestic and family
      violence responses
      Mary Iliadis, Bridget Harris & Zarina Vakhitova


      Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice no. 684                  13-02-2024

      Police and Children's Court outcomes for children aged 10 to 13
      Susan Baidawi, Rubini Ball & Rosemary Sheehan


      Trends & issues in crime and criminal justice no. 679                  16-01-2024
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15th International Crime Science Conference 2024

Venue: Wellcome Collection, 183 Euston Road, NW1 2BE (Map)

Date: Monday 10 June 2024

Time: 9am - 7pm


The theme of this year’s conference is Fraud, Fakery, and Deception. 

Fraud is now arguably the world’s most prevalent crime type. With the advent of new technologies fraudulent activity too has evolved. Criminal actors and organisations are utilising the new digital landscape – including deep-fake technologies – to commit new types of fraud, to spread misinformation and to commit existing crimes in ever more harmful ways. Election fraud, spear phishing, spoofed websites, DDoS attacks, data theft, impersonation scams – the list of tech-enabled fraud is varied and constantly changing. The use of AI, and other approaches, to address crimes including fraud is also evolving.

What are the key challenges? How are those challenges being addressed?

This conference will look at current problems, responses, as well as anticipate future crimes and their mitigation. The event will cover a broad range of crimes, technologies, disciplines, and responses.  

View more details about the speakers and find out more about conference

The conference will bring together leading practitioners, policy-makers, technologists and academics. 

The 29th German Prevention Congress will take place in Cottbus/Chóśebuz in Brandenburg, Germany, on 10th and 11th of June 2024.

The congress programme is already online! On these websites in english language information is available on:

The international parts of the Congress (English language or simultaneous English translation) are summarized in this International Programme Sheet (PDF-Download).

You can find the complete programme here (Link German website) and you can download the international part of the programme here.

Register now!

Sexual minorities experience more exclusion in everyday situations

Informationsdienst Wissenschaft - idw - Pressemitteilung
Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau, Kerstin Theilmann, 05.06.2024 10:24

Lesbian, gay and bisexual people experience exclusion more frequently than heterosexual people. This is the result of a recent study by researchers from the University of Basel and the RPTU University of Kaiserslautern-Landau. According to the study, people who are perceived as less gender-conforming are more frequently socially excluded. This could also affect heterosexual people if they deviate from traditional gender roles.

In three studies with a total of over 3,200 participants in Germany and the USA, the research team investigated the experiences of exclusion of sexual minorities. The first study comprised a nationally representative sample in Germany with 2,609 participants. The researchers asked about experiences of social exclusion among sexual minorities and heterosexual people. In the second study, the research team followed 467 people in their everyday lives for 14 days and asked them to document their experiences of exclusion using a smartphone app. The third study used 10,760 judgments about the likelihood of exclusion from different people based on perceptions of their sexual orientation and gender role conformity. A total of 141 respondents were presented with photos, videos, or voices of lesbian, gay, and heterosexual people. On a seven-point scale, the respondents had to rate the likelihood that these people would be ostracized.

“Sexual minorities experience many forms of violence and discrimination,” explains Christiane Büttner, social psychologist at the University of Basel, commenting on the results of previous studies. “However, unlike overt discrimination, which is visible and can be challenged, exclusion can be subtle and therefore difficult to recognize and prove.” This is precisely what makes it difficult for those affected to address the situation or even demand support. Exclusion can be more painful than other forms of discrimination because it attacks the basic needs for belonging and self-esteem. This is because people are social beings and strive to belong - they find security and affirmation in social groups. In terms of evolutionary psychology, belonging is essential for psychological well-being. If this need remains unfulfilled in the long term, feelings of isolation, hopelessness and reduced self-esteem arise. Even serious psychological problems such as anxiety disorders, depression and suicidal tendencies can be the result of social exclusion. “The consequences can be devastating, especially if those who are excluded are aware that they are being excluded because of an unchangeable, stable characteristic, such as their sexual orientation,” emphasizes Selma Rudert, social psychologist at RPTU.

Subtle forms of discrimination little studied so far

Previous studies have mainly focused on more obvious forms of discrimination against sexual minorities. These include direct verbal abuse, for example. “Subtler forms have been studied less so far. We wanted to close a gap here,” says Büttner, explaining the background to the current publication.

The result: lesbian, gay and bisexual people experience exclusion more frequently than heterosexual people. According to the researchers, each person experiences an average of two to three experiences of exclusion within a 14-day period, with members of sexual minorities experiencing one more exclusion situation on average. LGB people experience exclusion in various areas of daily life, the researchers outline the overall picture: for example, they are excluded from social activities at work or ignored and marginalized by classmates or teaching staff at school or university. They may also not be invited to events and their contributions are ignored in discussions.

Deviating from traditional gender roles increases vulnerability to exclusion

The third study showed that more frequent exclusion is linked to gender role non-conformity. “People who are perceived as deviating from gender norms - regardless of whether they actually do or what their actual sexual orientation is - are more likely to be ostracized,” explains Sven Kachel, psychologist at RPTU. “Even if the respondents did not know the sexual orientation of the people being judged, they rated those people they perceived as less gender-conforming as more likely to be ostracized.” This means that even a heterosexual man, for example, who is perceived as less masculine, runs the risk of experiencing exclusion as a subtle form of discrimination. Violations of traditional gender norms are thus sanctioned and these norms remain in place. According to the researchers, this has serious consequences, as adherence to gender norms affects the psychological well-being of a significant proportion of the population.

Raising awareness

Overall, the results suggest that more proactive measures are needed to raise awareness of exclusion as a subtle form of discrimination in all areas of society, according to the researchers. One approach: as part of Pride Month, attention is drawn to the concerns of the LGBTQ+ community with the help of various campaigns.
“Organizations and educational institutions should also establish specific programs and trainings to raise awareness and promote an inclusive environment,” recommend the authors of the study. At a societal level, campaigns to promote diversity and inclusion could help to break down stereotypes and prejudices.

Wissenschaftliche Ansprechpartner:
Universität Basel
Christiane M. Büttner
Tel.: +41 61 207 03 37

Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU)
Prof. Dr. Selma Rudert
Tel.: +49 6341 280-31212

Dr. Sven Kachel
Tel.: +49 6341 280-31237

Büttner, C. M., Rudert, S.C., & Kachel S. (2024). Ostracism experiences of sexual minorities: Investigating targets' experiences and perceptions by others. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 1461672241240675. Advance online publication.


AIC: Testing the reliability and validity of the VERA-2R on individuals who have radicalised in Australia

Link to: Testing the application of violent extremism risk assessment to individuals who have radicalised in Australia: The case of the VERA-2R

The Australian Institute of Criminology has released new research on the reliability and validity of the Violent Extremism Risk Assessment—Version 2 Revised (VERA-2R) on individuals who have radicalised in Australia. This research was undertaken by academics from the University of Queensland.

  • The aim of this study was to examine the applicability, interrater reliability and predictive validity of the VERA-2R against data on individuals who have radicalised in Australia. 
  • Two trained assessors—the authors—completed VERA-2R risk assessments for a sample of 50 extremist offenders. 

Results showed differences in risk profiles between individuals who were violent and non-violent. It was found that the VERA-2R had good interrater reliability but low predictive validity.

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