Despite ambitious initiatives, the fundamental rights situation of Roma in the EU remains profoundly troubling. This report examines the persisting phenomenon of anti-Gypsyism and its effect on Roma inclusion efforts. It first presents data on key manifestations of anti-Gypsyism, namely discrimination, harassment and hate crime.
The report reviews data on specific areas of life, such as education, employment, healthcare and housing – all areas in which prejudice and racism against Roma continue to undermine true progress. The report also frames the issue of Roma exclusion and deprivation in a global context, looking at how Roma in EU countries fare compared to the general population with respect to select Sustainable Development Goals.
Date: 12 April 2018
Location: CURIO HAUS Rothenbaumchaussee, 13 Hamburg
Interpretation: English, German, French
New research on drugs, violence and misuse of domain names Last week, the Australian Institute of Criminology released eight new publications, which are all available now on the AIC website.
Statistical Bulletins
• Police detainee predictions on future Australian illicit drug market influences
• The methamphetamine market: police detainee perspectives
• The cannabis market: police detainee perspectives
• The ecstasy market: police detainee perspectives
• The heroin market: police detainee perspectives • Predictions on future Victorian illicit drug market influences
Research Report
• Criminal misuse of the Domain Name System Trends & Issues Paper
• Preventing sexual violence against young women from African backgrounds
For the latest crime and justice facts and figures, visit Crime Statistics Australia.
Hosted by the CSG Justice Center with funding support from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice
Assistance Date: Thursday, April 26 Time: 2–3:30 p.m. ET
This webinar will provide an overview of national estimates of incarcerated veterans; explain components of the Veterans Health Administration’s veterans justice programs; expand awareness of the needs of veterans in the justice system;
The Council of Europe Annual Penal Statistics, better known as SPACE (Statistiques Pénales Annuelles du Conseil de l’Europe) consist in two related projects. SPACE I provides data on imprisonment and penal institutions annually since 1983. SPACE II collects data on non-custodial sanctions and measures since 1992 (annually since 2009). These statistics are provided by a network of national correspondents working at the prison and probation services of the 47 Council of Europe member States. They are currently verified, processed and analysed by a team of researchers at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. SPACE is a world-wide known project which is a valuable source of comparative information and data used by international organisations, national authorities, policy makers, practitioners and experts working in the penal field.
Combating Terrorism in Europe:
Strengthening the Tools and Ensuring a Coordinated Response
Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre, Brussels
Thursday 17th May 2018
Alexander Ritzmann
RAN Communication and Narratives Working Group
Cristian Pirvulescu
President of the Permanent Study Group on Immigration and Integration
Sébastien Boussois
Research Associate
CECID (Université Libre de Bruxelles) and OMAN (UQAM Montréal)
Simon Therer
Project Manager
CIDJ - Fédération des Centres d'information et de documentation pour jeunes ASBL
The next Stockholm Criminology Symposium takes place June 12–14, 2018.
The main theme will be Models for successful policing.
An overview of the symposium program is now available on the website. You will be able to listen to around 200 speakers who will present their research and experience in 60 sessions.
Last week, the Australian Institute of Criminology released five new publications, which are all available now on the AIC website.
For the latest crime and justice facts and figures, visit Crime Statistics Australia
Mon 4 June 2018, 18:00 – 20:00 BST
UCL Institute of Education, University College London, 20 Bedford Way, London, WC1H 0AL
How do we best motivate police officers and organizations to live up to the expectations placed upon them? What tools and methods, applied where and in relation to whom, will best secure policing that generates public trust and legitimacy, is responsive to democratically agreed norms and targets, and which seeks to apply power in morally acceptable ways?
These questions loom large in discussions of policing all over the world, and surface regularly in the UK. The range of relevant issues is vast, including: recruitment; training; on-the-job socialization; the ways in which good performance construed (and measured); the outcomes are police tasked with delivering; how targets are agreed, set and tracked; and the extent to which management regimes affect performance.
In this seminar scholars from three different countries, the United States, Australia and France, address three different aspects of the same, overarching, question: how do we get policing ‘right’.
Watching the watchmen: How do the police view their monopoly of violence over the protected and served? - Arthur Rizer
Procedural justice in policing: Can we create a procedurally just police officer? - Kristina Murphy
Detectives in the managerial iron cage? Neo-managerial reforms and professionalism in British and French police investigation units - Jacques de Maillard
For a brief moment on Monday, marijuana users rallied around a proposal from the Greens party to legalize the drug’s use for recreational purposes in Australia. But those hopes were quashed the next day, as Greg Hunt, the minister for health, said the government would oppose the plan. Marijuana, he said, was a gateway to other drugs like methamphetamines. “Our job is to protect the health of Australians,” he said on Tuesday. “This action by the[...]
" We have 14 bursary scholarships on offer for our MSc in Crime Science, MSc in Countering Organised Crime and Terrorism, MSc in Crime and Forensic Science, and MSc in Policing.
THE DEADLINE TO APPLY FOR THE SCHOLARSHIPS IS 30TH APRIL 2018. Most of our courses now available via Distance Learning" UCL’s Dept of Security and Crime Science is home to some of the UK’s premier courses in crime and security. For their dissertation students undertake a wide range of projects, often work-related. For example on the MSc in Crime and Forensic Science, previous projects have included “Persistence of DNA from bodily fluids within the context of internal child sex trafficking investigations” and “Can Forensic Transferable Markers be used to track criminal contacts via secondary transfer?”
On 17 April 2018, The World Bank Group and Sexual Violence Research Initiative (SVRI) awarded competitive funds totalling US$1.1 million to 11 research teams from around the world for innovations to prevent and respond to gender-based violence (GBV).
Even though some countries have to cope with rising prevalence numbers, pickpocketing as a specific crime phenomenon is often not considered as a priority within the world of criminal policy and legislation. The mobile organised crime groups (OCGs), who are deemed to be responsible for a big part of the committed pickpocketing, do get proper attention from policymakers and law enforcement agencies. Therefore in this toolbox we focus on both mobile organised crime groups in general and on pickpocketing more specifically. Another important part of the toolbox consists of recommendations for a successful approach to the prevention of pickpocketing committed by mobile OCGs. Finally, the toolbox concludes with some good practices of pickpocketing prevention measures as they were shared by the Member States with the EUPCN Secretariat.
Crime prevention projects can obtain funding from a number of EU financial instruments.
On the EUCPN website they give you an overview of the most relevant funds and ongoing calls. The EU ongoing calls are updated every two weeks.
New call for proposals
Call for proposals to prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children
Deadline: 13 November 2018
Bologna, Italy, June 2018
‘Inequality’ is on the rise, not only in real terms from the local to the global level, but also as a scholarly notion and a category of societal self-description (e.g. in politics, the media or in literature). From the 1950s until some years ago inequality had gradually been removed from the centre of inner debates in Europe and North America. While the term was still lavishly applied to societies in the past and in the rest of the world, a growing emphasis on horizontal ‘plurality’ (e.g. of world-views, lifestyles) promised to take the moral sting out of whatever differences could be observed at home. More recently, however, this development has been reversed. Nowadays, the concept of inequality seems to offer a common key to understanding (and tackling) a wide range of symptoms of crisis, which are conventionally dealt with in separate branches of academia.
Does this also suggest ‘inequality’ as a fertile ground for interdisciplinary work? This is precisely the question that inspires this workshop. Indeed, if, on the one side, the analysis of inequality can be enriched by the interdisciplinary cross-fertilisation of ideas, on the other side, it is possible to find perspectives unknown to the single disciplines that can furnish fresh evidence on the causes and consequences of inequality and explain how it affects the social and legal system. Come and tell us what you are doing on this topic!
Call for Participation:
The 46th conference of the European group for the study of deviance and social control entitled
"Social harm in a digitalized global world: Technologies of power and normalized practices of contemporary society"
will be organized by the Institute of Criminology at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana and the Faculty of Law of the University of Ljubljana at the Faculty of law in Ljubljana from August 22 to August 24, 2018.
WAR AND CRIME are cascade phenomena. War cascades across space and time to more war; crime to more crime; crime cascades to war; and war to crime.
John Braithwaite and Bina D'Costa investigate the complexity that arises from these Cascades of Violence to show that increasing our understanding of how these cascades work can assist in the simultaneous prevention of both crime and war. For example, understanding the way refugee camps are nodes of both targeted attack and targeted recruitment into violence can stimulate more effective humanitarian prevention efforts to target such nodes of risk.
The book also shows how nonviolence and nondomination can also be made to cascade, shunting cascades of violence into reverse.
"Cascades of Violence is one of the few books that all at once constructs a sophisticated and innovative theoretical framework, relies on a wealth of primary material, and presents extraordinary comparative breadth and depth. It will be of great value to students and scholars of violence.” - Séverine Autesserre, Barnard College, Columbia University, author of Peaceland and The Trouble with the Congo
“Braithwaite and D’Costa’s metaphor of violence cascades is the starting point for a landmark analysis of complex reciprocal relationships between war and crime… This book’s remarkable formulation and analysis of ten provocative propositions yields hopeful lessons that illuminate new pathways to the reduction of war and crime.” - John Hagan, Northwestern University and American Bar Foundation, author of Darfur and the Crime of Genocide (with Wenona Rymond-Richmond)
2018-2019 - 29th Master Programme
The Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law announces that the deadline for applications to its prestigious International Socio-Legal Master
will be open until 30 May.
Last week, the Australian Institute of Criminology released three new publications, which are all available now on the AIC website.
For the latest crime and justice facts and figures, visit Crime Statistics Australia
Brussels, 26 April 2018
The European Parliament, Council and Commission have reached a preliminary political agreement on the main elements of revised rules to apply to audiovisual media across Europe.
The negotiations will officially conclude in June when the European Parliament, Council and Commission will meet to finalise and discuss the last remaining technical details of the proposal. After formal confirmation by the Council and the European Parliament's plenary vote, the new rules will have to be transposed into national law.
This agreement paves the way for a fairer regulatory environment for the entire audiovisual sector, including on-demand services and video sharing platforms. The new rules strengthen the protection of minors and reinforce the battle against hate speech in all audiovisual content. They promote European audiovisual productions and guarantee the independence of audiovisual regulators.
Vice-President for the Digital Single Market Andrus Ansip said: "These new rules reflect digital progress and recognise that people now watch videos in different ways than before. They encourage innovative services and promote European films – but also protect children and tackle hate speech in a better way."
Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society Mariya Gabriel said: "A fairer environment for all players in audiovisual sector is much needed. Moreover, our cultural sector will have a more prominent place in on-demand catalogues – a significant and positive change for European creators and authors."