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Invitation to attend the CEP and EuroPris workshop on Foreign Nationals in Prison and Probation

The Confederation of European Probation invite you to join for a crucial workshop in collaboration with the EuroPris and kindly hosted by the Federal Ministry of Justice of Austria, as we address one of the most significant issues facing European prison systems today—Foreign National Offenders (FNOs).


As migration and global political shifts continue to impact Europe, the number and proportion of FNOs in prisons are rising, bringing unique challenges to prison and probation services. That being said, an FNO in one country is a citizen imprisoned abroad in another.

This dual perspective is central to the work of EuroPris and CEP’ Foreign Nationals in Prison and Probation (FNPP) Expert Group.


This workshop from 29-30 October 2024, will bring together professionals from across Europe, including those in prison, probation, and NGOs, to engage in presentations, discussions, and knowledge-sharing on this increasingly important area of criminal justice policy.


>> More information


The workshop will be a full two-day event in October.

The workshop schedule is as follows:

  • Tuesday, 29 October: Full-day workshop
  • Wednesday, 30 October: Half-day workshop (until 12:30 PM)


During these two days, participants will have the opportunity to engage in various activities, discussions, and learning sessions.

More details to follow soon.


>>Register here


Date and location

Date: 29-30 October 2024
Location: Bundesministerium für Justiz, Palais Trautson, Museumstrasse 7, 1070 Wien, Austria


>>Register here


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