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Last call to register for the CEP Webinar on Radicalisation


Last call to register for the
CEP Webinar on Radicalisation

CEP Webinar on Radicalisation will take place on 14 June from 11:00 to 12:45 CET via Zoom. The webinar is free of charge.

"In this webinar, we will address the topic of radicalisation from the perspective of two EU jurisdictions that have faced the different trends in their countries. The first presentation will discuss the disengagement and reintegration of radicalised inmates from the French experience. The second presentation will focus on the topics discussed in the virtual environment of the internet and social media, accentuating new trends and potential security threats related to radicalisation and inclination to extreme violence. The last presentation will cover the work of the Council of Europe´s Council for Penological Cooperation (PC-CP)."


The programme can be downloaded here.
Information on the presentations and speakers can be downloaded here.

Registration and fees

Click here to register.

The registration deadline is 12 June 2023.

Please note that the link to the webinar will be sent to all registered participants on 13 June 2023.