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19th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology


Convergent roads, bridges and

new pathways in criminology

Ghent, Belgium

18.09. - 21.09.2019


Eurocrim 2019 The  Movie

Belgium is a relatively small country on the world map, yet it has among the highest density of criminologists and criminology students and played an important historical role in the development of different schools of thought.

​Belgium also has something unique to offer as a meeting point for social scientists. Its complex political structure and its central location at the heart of institutional Europe draws the interests of political sciences. Because of its high population density, specific opportunity structure and growing diversity in the urban contexts, its cities constitute interesting social laboratories for criminologists.

​The 19th conference of the ESC is an ideal moment to collectively reflect about what unifies and divides criminologists in the 21st century: roads, whether convergent or divergent, provide strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Some paths will be less trodden. Some (criminological) bridges are in desperate need of repair after years of dilapidation, other bridges have never been built strong enough to hold new ideas and pathways.

​The organizing committee and the board of the ESC kindly invite you to take part in discussions on (cross)roads, bridges and new pathways in criminology.




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