Process evaluation
This type of evaluation is concerned with how the program is delivered and provides information on identifying and solving implementation problems and assessing progress towards achieving the project\'s expected results. In general, process evaluation focus on two areas: coverage and process. Coverage relate to the characteristics of the program clientele as well as to the ‘dosage’ or the intensity of a program intervention on the particular clientele. More particularly, it identifies what was done (types of interventions), by whom (i.e., characteristics of the professionals, staff of the organization or partner agencies, etc.), with whom (the recipients of the interventions, i.e., parents, children, age, gender, etc.), in what circumstances (i.e., time of day, frequency, duration, etc.). Process relates on the other hand to the path of the clientele that entered into the program, the length of stay and what actually happened vs what was planned. (World Health Organization, 2000).
Source: reproduced with the permission of the Government of Canada
added by
Burkhard Hasenpusch
German Congress on Crime Prevention (GCOCP)