The SIPR Postgraduate Diploma / MSc in Policing Studies (UK, Dundee)
The Scottish Institute for Policing Research (SIPR) Postgraduate Diploma in Policing Studies is a collaborative initiative involving contributions of modules by a consortium of universities and has been developed in close cooperation with the Scottish Police College. The programme will draw on the world-class expertise of Scotland’s universities and will provide an innovative, relevant, and interdisciplinary programme for all those involved in policing.
The Programme comprises a Postgraduate Diploma/MSc in Policing Studies. The Postgraduate Diploma will comprise four 30 credit modules, selected from the following:
•Theories, concepts and models of policing, led by the University of the West of Scotland
•Education and Social Research, led by the University of Dundee
•Managing and controlling crime led by the University of Glasgow
•Management and leadership in policing organisations, led by Robert Gordon University
•Social identity and the makings of community: anxiety, threat and security, led by St Andrews University
•Further modules may become available over time
Provider: KINGDOM)
added by
Anja Meyer
Crime Prevention Council Lower Saxony