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European CTC Implementation Guide

The CTC-EU-Network aims to make the established CTC-method transferable to other European countries. This European Implementation Guide will facilitate the use of the CTC-method in other European countries. Evaluations of CTC are showing positive impacts for children living in the CTC-area, compared with children who did not live in the area. The EU-funded CTC-EU project (2013-2015) contributes to enhanced implementations of community-based programmes based on a risk and protective factor model, and initiatives that focus on preventing the development of problem behaviour by early intervention with children and youth. The project results lead to a facilitated use of the "Communities That Care" approach by stakeholders in community-based prevention efforts (municipalities, youth-care agencies, schools and preschools, parents etc.). Thus, beneficiaries of the project will be after all families and youth in communities who use the CTC framework to increase the implementation of evidence-based prevention measures, taylored to their local specific needs and resources. Our project aims to facilitate the implementation of the CTC-system in every European country. We expect that adapting CTC from the U.S. is only in part adapting it to specific national conditions, but at the same time (even more) adapting it to European conditions. Based on the expected results of our project this work could be economized in future. Implementing CTC measures at the European level will reduce implementation costs for communities and states. CTC itself has been found a cost-beneficial intervention in the U.S. (5,3 $ return on every 1 $ spend, Kuklinski et al. 2011).